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A question for the one worlders..

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It's a recurring theme across many threads and from different persons. Not gonna single anyone out of course!!


If anyone raises a concern about immigration, or brings something to attention that signifies changes due to mass immigration, then a lot of people will try to dismiss this as insignificant. Comments of anything other than praise for immigration are met with accusations of racism, or at the least the poster is put down for caring about the country as if they should welcome all with open arms.


You mean that nobody has ever said that there should be no borders? I'm glad that we've clarified that.


Where has anyone said that everyone should be welcomed into the UK with no questions asked? That isn't a question just about this Forum, but any site related to immigration to the UK.


Go on, show me, and substantiate it.

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Would you be happy to see this in castle market? http://www.independent.co.uk/multimedia/archive/00038/china_dogs_38102t.jpg


if not, why not?


I wouldn't have a problem with it. I'm surprised this thread has remained open so long though. When I have started a thread about the idea of eating dogs, it has always been closed pretty quick presumably by someone from the pets group on here.


I think it would be more respectful to an animal to kill it for food rather than to kill it purely because the people who want to look after them have not the resources. For example, staffy's that have been abandoned and that nobody wants to adopt. Surely it would be better to kill one for food, than to poison one due to the council kennel being unable to look after it.

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You mean that nobody has ever said that there should be no borders? I'm glad that we've clarified that.


Where has anyone said that everyone should be welcomed into the UK with no questions asked? That isn't a question just about this Forum, but any site related to immigration to the UK.


Go on, show me, and substantiate it.


The "no borders" bit didn't come from me, it rings a bell to be honest but as I didn't use that phrase not gonna trawl around for it.


An example would be:


A post is started about 1 in 7 school children from a non English speaking family. You can find this thread in recent history.


Now I personally find that quite shocking that there has been enough immigration that this proportion of kids today are from another culture than our own, and I imagine that many people will find this unsettling. It is a case of two much two fast.....over 60 years or so.


Now many people find that merely raising this as an issue is in some way unjust, racist, and not worth bothering about. Have a look for yourself.

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i've not followed any threads where people have talked borders being fictitious so can only second guess on what they mean. It sounds a very idealistic concept and maybe one day it will be possible but humans are far from being in a place where such a concept could be a reality. maybe when i was a young girl and idealistic then i may have said such things but age and wisdom changes many things! of course it cannot be a free for all, what freedom (and don't believe for one moment in the uk we are free because we aint!) and the human/animal rights we have in the uk are hard fought for and need to be protected. we cannot take on practices of other countries for fear of offending or because we like to be seen as understanding and accomodating unless these practices better ours in some way i.e we are learning from them. This issue has nothing what so ever to do with racism.

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Accusations of racism to those who criticise immigration is not helpful.....and it's an indication of people who seem so proud of themselves for not being "racist" by ignoring critical problems that can occur for fear of being such.


I think the problem stems from those who start their immigration question with:


"I'm not racist, but..." and then proceed to spout racist arguments against immigrants.


Very rarely do they offer anything of merit to the conversation, they just simply say that immigration is wrong, they come over here taking our jobs etc.


It's never constructive.

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i think it is 2 seperate issues that have got mixed up and people have become afraid to talk about real problems that they see and face and like anything that is repressed it eventually erupts into something quite dangerous. it needs to brought out into the light so it can be untangled.

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I want the communist one-worlder types that dismiss "countries" and "borders" as fictitious, and say that we are all denizens of one world country who should be totaly free to migrate around the world with no restrictions whatsoever, to explain to me how would we maintain law and order.



Do the "communist one-worlder types" exist anywhere but in the head of the BNP and their followers.


Can't ever recall seeing a post on SF advocating free migration / no restrictions. Happy to stand corrected.

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Can't ever recall seeing a post on SF advocating free migration / no restrictions. Happy to stand corrected.


He thinks I did... I think. It all came from one phrase ("our land") used by Mr Noddy Holder from a thread about a million clicks ago. I used the word "fictitious" to describe the legal fiction that is the nation, that gives land such an abstract identity.


He proceeded to label me as a hippie who listens to John Lennon or something along those lines, completely misunderstanding my point.


It had nothing to do with the effects of immigration, or the actions of a given state.

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The "no borders" bit didn't come from me, it rings a bell to be honest but as I didn't use that phrase not gonna trawl around for it.


An example would be:


A post is started about 1 in 7 school children from a non English speaking family. You can find this thread in recent history.


Now I personally find that quite shocking that there has been enough immigration that this proportion of kids today are from another culture than our own, and I imagine that many people will find this unsettling. It is a case of two much two fast.....over 60 years or so.


Now many people find that merely raising this as an issue is in some way unjust, racist, and not worth bothering about. Have a look for yourself.


Why? Which proportion of the population are you talking about? I more than welcome the growth and regeneration of indigenous languages such as Welsh, Scottish Gaelic, Cornish, and certain dialects of Irish Gaelic among others. Wouldn't you? If not, why not?


Equally, their background may not be English speaking, but it equally doesn't mean that the kids don't speak English. Aren't you just a little frightened?

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I think the problem stems from those who start their immigration question with:


"I'm not racist, but..." and then proceed to spout racist arguments against immigrants.


Very rarely do they offer anything of merit to the conversation, they just simply say that immigration is wrong, they come over here taking our jobs etc.


It's never constructive.


Because they were doing nothing, whilst the immigrants were working in the construction industry, taking the jobs which they couldn't get as they were far too busy complaining about immigrants taking their jobs, which they never took.


Or summat like that.

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