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Mr Ronksley ice cream man

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Just have to give this fella a mention, he has been serving his ice cream for years and years to the people of High Green and Chapeltown.... he must be at least aged 165 now........... a legend:thumbsup:

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Hes like

The best Ice cream man ever, forver giving ice cream rather cheaply to me and my mates after school




<3RONKSLEY IS AMAZZIIINNG High green and chapletown and ecclesfield think your awsome.



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  • 7 months later...

I've known John Ronksley for over 50 years - he is actually 70 (I'm sure he won't mind me revealng this - I hope not, or I might not get my usual extra flake when I next buy a 99 from him....:()


John and his parents used to sell ice cream for Jack Clayton in the 1950s. His dad is still going strong at 93.

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