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Mr Ronksley ice cream man

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I've known John Ronksley for over 50 years - he is actually 70 (I'm sure he won't mind me revealng this - I hope not, or I might not get my usual extra flake when I next buy a 99 from him....:()


John and his parents used to sell ice cream for Jack Clayton in the 1950s. His dad is still going strong at 93.


It's Phil his younger brother they are referring to, he's gone round Chap for years. Yes my grandad will still be here at 100!!

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my mum lives in highgreen and my 9 year old brother is always saying how great he is, my mums shocked at how cheap he is etc, i was once there and my bro and kids went with a pound each, i was expecting them to return with a cornet and they all got a knickerbocker glory, lots of bubblys, and sweets


i wish he came round where we live, my kids love going to him to at their nans, my mums says he even does hotdogs

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my mum lives in highgreen and my 9 year old brother is always saying how great he is, my mums shocked at how cheap he is etc, i was once there and my bro and kids went with a pound each, i was expecting them to return with a cornet and they all got a knickerbocker glory, lots of bubblys, and sweets


i wish he came round where we live, my kids love going to him to at their nans, my mums says he even does hotdogs


He hates it when ever he has to put his prices up!! He loves his job and can't wait to get back out after his winter break

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I also heard that Ronksley's used to live in Coal Aston on Cross Lane near Nellie's Newsagents & the Cross Daggers pub. I believe they moved to Bridlington and had an Ice Cream shop on the corner where Queen's Street meets Prince Street near the Harbour.


Hi Leanne, Just wondering if I am correct that your relations lived & worked from Cross Lane in Coal Aston before moving to Bridlington?: :roll:

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