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Racist bomb maker jailed

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Was Richard Reid the shoe bomber under occupation, or the Christmas Day bomber, or the Exeter cafe bomber, or the 7/7 bombers? Were any of them under occupation?

Neither were these two jailed. It confirms that idiots are not the sole domain of the Muslims. If you can speak for the racists found guilty then I shall attempt an explanation for the guys you ask about.

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This reminds me of the saying that there are no Atheists in the trenches, of course when someone is idiotic enough to kill others for no personal gain then which ever religion they belong to they would be expected to find solace in it. That does not become the teaching to commit suicide but the bomber's explanation to convince himself that he is doing the right thing for a greater good.


So his religion reinforces his willingness to be a suicide bomber. It gives him an extra reason.


Besides it's not just an internal thing these children are taught these things, it may be a warped and distorted version of Islam but it is the version of Islam that they believe in, it is their religion, and it gives them a reason to be a suicide bomber.


Also, the atheists in foxhole thing is different. Those are people who are already facing death, who apparently convert to some religion or other. With suicide bombers they don't decide to become a suicide bomber and then begin to believe that they will be rewarded for it, it is the other way around, or perhaps both at the same time.

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So his religion reinforces his willingness to be a suicide bomber. It gives him an extra reason.


Besides it's not just an internal thing these children are taught these things, it may be a warped and distorted version of Islam but it is the version of Islam that they believe in, it is their religion, and it gives them a reason to be a suicide bomber.

Isn't it a coincidence then that they happen to occur in regions of conflict? If it was merely religious then no where would be safe anywhere in the world. That is the untrue impression likes of Noddy and other racists wish to portray of Islam. As I said before it's not a requirement of Islam but one of the tools of the extremists along with money blackmail or simple threats and extortion.
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Neither were these two jailed. It confirms that idiots are not the sole domain of the Muslims. If you can speak for the racists found guilty then I shall attempt an explanation for the guys you ask about.


Nobody has suggested these two scum were under occupation, that's a justification you seem to have used for Muslim extremists, whilst everybody else condemnes these two as racist low life trash. I don't think anybody has suggested racist terrorist scum are the sole domain of Islamic inspired terrorism either, it's well know racist nazi types pose a threat, you won't find anybody making excuses for them though (not of a normal sound mind at least).

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Isn't it a coincidence then that they happen to occur in regions of conflict? If it was merely religious then no where would be safe anywhere in the world.
But I have never said it merely religious. Obviously it is far more complicated than that, clearly it's not just political either otherwise oppressed people all across the world would be blowing themselves up at the same rate and with the same regularity as muslims are at the moment.


My contention is that there are clearly many reasons why suicide bombers are suicide bombers, the major one being injustices (either perceived or real) committed against people they identify strongly with. However this is not the be all and end all of it, there are other reasons as well, and there is overwhelming evidence (a tiny portion of which I have quoted) that religion is also a major factor. For one thing as has been pointed out by Plekhanov for quite a few suicide bombers the only reason that they identify so strongly with oppressed people in the middle east is because of their religion.


That is the untrue impression likes of Noddy and other racists wish to portray of Islam. As I said before it's not a requirement of Islam but one of the tools of the extremists along with money blackmail or simple threats and extortion.
OK fine but I'm not Noddy and I'm not a racist and I don't think that. Can we stick with what I'm saying please, you can argue against noddy when he posts something.
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Nobody has suggested these two scum were under occupation, that's a justification you seem to have used for Muslim extremists, whilst everybody else condemnes these two as racist low life trash. I don't think anybody has suggested racist terrorist scum are the sole domain of Islamic inspired terrorism either, it's well know racist nazi types pose a threat, you won't find anybody making excuses for them though (not of a normal sound mind at least).
Underline the word extremists, also what causes people to extremism? Every act of terrorism isn't rooted in religion and would be wrong to consider it so. Extremism in society whichever quarter it stems from when left unchallenged will end in loss of life.


Rather than spread lies and bile about Islam because it is easy to label one section of community for convenience, we should look at all extremists as a danger to society and a danger to us all. This case highlites that quite well. Extremists in the Muslim community are challenged all the time wherever they raise their ugly heads but the problem starts when every Muslim is labled an extremists and explanations for terrorists' actions sought from people like myself. Bad people don't have any one particular colour or religion.

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Underline the word extremists, also what causes people to extremism? Every act of terrorism isn't rooted in religion and would be wrong to consider it so. Extremism in society whichever quarter it stems from when left unchallenged will end in loss of life.


Rather than spread lies and bile about Islam because it is easy to label one section of community for convenience, we should look at all extremists as a danger to society and a danger to us all. This case highlites that quite well. Extremists in the Muslim community are challenged all the time wherever they raise their ugly heads but the problem starts when every Muslim is labled an extremists and explanations for terrorists' actions sought from people like myself. Bad people don't have any one particular colour or religion.


Anybody that takes Islamic terrorism/extremism as an indictment on the whole Muslim community is frankly an idiot. Most right minded people know it is a handful of bad eggs with little in common with their communities, the mainstream muslim majority.


I have to say though, you are peddling the same line as those idiots. A few idiots think all Muslims are terrorists, you then seem to take that minority and exaggerate it as the majority view when in fact it isn't. Just as non-muslims need to hear the mainstream majority of Muslims and understand it is nothing to do with them, I think Muslims also need to understand that the mainstream of non-Muslims don't assume that anyway.


The victim/seige mentality (on both sides) comes about by only seeing and listening to the minority view but assume it as the majority.

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Anybody that takes Islamic terrorism/extremism as an indictment on the whole Muslim community is frankly an idiot. Most right minded people know it is a handful of bad eggs with little in common with their communities, the mainstream muslim majority.


I have to say though, you are peddling the same line as those idiots. A few idiots think all Muslims are terrorists, you then seem to take that minority and exaggerate it as the majority view when in fact it isn't. Just as non-muslims need to hear the mainstream majority of Muslims and understand it is nothing to do with them, I think Muslims also need to understand that the mainstream of non-Muslims don't assume that anyway.


The victim/seige mentality (on both sides) comes about by only seeing and listening to the minority view but assume it as the majority.

I agree with the premise of the question but.........

Do you think it appropriate then that on a thread concerning White Supremacists I should be defending Islam and Muslims yet you asking me to explain the shoe Bomber and 7/7 bombers are now suggesting we shouldn't have siege mentality, nice;)


I did pose a question indeed comparing the absence of those who scream about dangers of Muslims and the threat posed by terrorists, and those guys have still remained away from this thread I see. Plek thought I meant him and went on the defensive but we haven't seen the same emotion behind the condemnation of these guys that we would have had if they had been Muslims. Slim Sid would have advocatet invading Pakistan by now had that been the case:hihi:

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why aren't the foaming at the mouth about Christianity?


Maybe (just maybe) they weren't plotting in the name of christianity, and were simply terrorist scum?


I am surprised at the defensive posts by Plek and co, taking the topic to Islam rather than what the thread topic is. Clearly the usual offenders have stayed away from this and that is my question, why?


It was you that took the thread off topic by trying to link the ASF to christianity in post 4 (as has been pointed out to you often enough).


You're as bad an advert for islam, as Grahame is for christianity.


What colour is a Muslim sir?


Flesh colour, same as everyone else.


Anyone equating religion with race is severely retarded.


Do you think it appropriate then that on a thread concerning White Supremacists I should be defending Islam and Muslims


You decided to polarise the thread OT in post 4 when trying to criticise users for not posting about christian terrorists, when there were none mentioned.

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