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Racist bomb maker jailed

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To be fair, I have never heard of a white supremacist organisation that doesn't claim to be christian. Furthermore, if you notice he wasn't targeting non-whites, he was targeting people of a different religion - "He planned to target Muslims, Jews and others with his organisation, the Aryan Strike Force"
Possibly, but they were tagged with the 'white supremicist' label rather than an 'anti foreign religions' label, so I was going along the lines set down in the report on the court case. I wonder who the 'others' were? Hindus? Buddhists? "Foreign" religions mostly espoused by people of 'non-white' origin which would be of interest to a white supremicist?


The rhetoric by Muslim home grown terrorists seems to be of the variety that they owe more allegiance to their 'brothers' in other countries than they do to their own countrymen and are prepared to terrorise us for that belief. That's something different where the religion seems to be the motivating factor, rather than a belief that skin colour makes a difference? Would you agree with that? So tab1's question is irrelevant in this particular case? Would you agree with that?

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To be fair, I have never heard of a white supremacist organisation that doesn't claim to be christian.

I just did a search of the National Front website for example and there were two hits for "Christ" both commenting upon recent "PC gone mad" stories. There were no claims about the NF being a Christian group.


Many white supremacists are really rather hostile to Christianity on the following grounds:

- it originated in the Mid East

- even worse it originated amongst Jews

- worst of all the Christian Messiah is Jewish


So not only is Christianity foreign it comes out of the culture/racial group many white nationalists hate most & even says that the saviour of all humanity is Jewish.


Some white supremacists are committed Christians, some pay lip service to it, some just hate 'foreign' religions, others hark back to "indigenous" pre-christian pagan religions.


Furthermore, if you notice he wasn't targeting non-whites, he was targeting people of a different religion - "He planned to target Muslims, Jews and others with his organisation, the Aryan Strike Force"

Perhaps it's escaped you notice but members of those target groups are regarded as "non-white" (or race traitors if they've converted/married in) by "Aryans". White supremacists were targeting Jews long before their was a substantial non-white population in Northern Europe.

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