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Help with a Panasonic Tv Problem

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Turned the tv on last night and came onto rugby. Switched over to BBC2 and it was fine. Did the same again onto BBC1 and the screen went matt grey with faint white lines going across the screen. I can still here the sound alright but no picture. Im thinking the colour tube could have gone but im not sure. Has anyone has this problem on a Panasonic Tv before or knows why the screen has gone grey? Thanks Rick :(

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can't help with the actual individual problem but i can tell you its a good job its a panasonic!


they are reknowned for their good service (esp with parts availability) when stuff goes wrong. try the panasonic shop in town, williams at woodseats or richer sounds at broomhill maybe.

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Does the problem occur on all channels? If so, check all the cables and connections to ensure they're secure.


If you're sure the TV is faulty, there are two things I recommend:


If the unit is still in warranty, contact the place you bought it from.


Alternatively, call the Panasonic helpline on 08705-357357 'tween 09:00-17:30 Monday-Friday (excl. UK Public Holidays).


tinajones is correct, Panasonic customer support is very good.

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