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Ground Zero Mosque to be built on 10th anniversary of WTC attacks

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Americans would blow up other Americans? Here I thought it were the Muslims who are portrayed as violent, thanks for proof of otherwise. By the way did you know there is a Mosque already at that location? What are the Americans again?


Have you thought about joining an extremist group, you'd do well.


Tab1, you and your little clique could see a dark skinned, muslim man beat up an old women in the street for 50p and still defend them.


You never have, or ever will be 50/50 on this board. And by the looks of peoples replys, it looks as if you've been slapped about abit. Jog on.

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Did you know that a German Lutheran church met, for many, many years, until very recently, in the building next door to a building that was bombed in the Blitz, in WWII, and had to be rebuilt? That's a lot closer than a couple of blocks.


Did you know that there were people of all faiths, from all continents across the world who died in the WTC? Including Muslims, Jews, Christians, and Atheists.


The daily fail, as usual, is whipping up the gullible into near hysteria. It's not AT ground zero, as the screaming headline suggests, it's actually two blocks away.


There's already a mosque in the vicinity, I understand? so what's the problem? We didn't insist that people stop playing football at Bradford, Heysel, Ibrox Park, or Hillsborough after the disasters there.

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Are you suggesting that non Muslim Americans would resort to terrorism?


no, i was refering to the question about a church being built somewhere that is mainly islamic where an act of terrorism has occured by christians. There would be protests all over and proberbly some law against it too.

it cannot be one rule for one and different rule for another.


if its built and its a suitable building, why rebuild? why start rebuilding on september the 11th, is there a chance that it would have gone un-noticed had they not have planned to start the works on the 11th of september.

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Considering what I have already written on this thread your insinuation here is utterly stupid.


The new build will be vastly more imposing than the current one. It's evidently the scale of the upgrade that has led to raised eyebrows, plus the deliberate choice of September 11th to start work on it. I repeat, before you again try to put words in my mouth, that the only view I have is an understanding of how it could be perceived, rightly or wrongly. I've also said why I think that's a shame. I've also mentioned examples of similar situations involving other faith combinations.


You really can't cope with reasoned moderate opinions. You want to put everyone into rigid black and white categories. Well I think most people in here have been very considered in their view and also their language. The same cannot be said for you. You have so little self awareness you don't even realize how much you damage the image of your faith group even as you think you're defending it.


The only words I can think of to describe your posts on here are 'hysterical dramatics'. You are how you describe other people, and you can't even see it.


So why not argue your point than try and lecture me how my posts are percieved. I know how my posts are perceived by those who react to them violently because it touches a raw nerve. Believe me I know what the score is from moderates and the idiots on here. I have asked the same question again and again, why are ordinary Muslims being blamed for acts of terrorists? The answers have been from vague and defensive to outright hostility. Just proves it's not the Muslims who are saying anything violent but the Islam haters who make all the noise.


It's always the Islam haters who post anti Islam threads on here and when on occasion a positive thread about Muslims is posted the OP gets called names and is questioned why he defends Muslims. Been good to see the naked prejudice of some posters on here.

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The problem is muslims give us so many reasons to hate them but you give us so many opportunities to laugh at your backward religion.

Keep up the good work fella;)


Please list a few reasons? I don't like Islam as an ideology but it doesn't mean I hate someone who is muslim. The word 'hate' is bandied around so much now. Do you stand by it? Do you see a muslim and immediately hate them?

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I know a few New Yorkers, and to be honest, they want to get on with life in their city. Sure, its happened and nothing will change that, but to be reminded constantly is difficult.

They will never forget what happened on that day ten years ago, but life has to go on, maybe a compromise should be met about when the construction starts, if it should get the finance, they should have picked a better date though.

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no, i was refering to the question about a church being built somewhere that is mainly islamic where an act of terrorism has occured by christians. There would be protests all over and proberbly some law against it too.

it cannot be one rule for one and different rule for another.


if its built and its a suitable building, why rebuild? why start rebuilding on september the 11th, is there a chance that it would have gone un-noticed had they not have planned to start the works on the 11th of september.


Do u mean like the cartoon of allah where they did the protest about it :hihi:

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Did you know that a German Lutheran church met, for many, many years, until very recently, in the building next door to a building that was bombed in the Blitz, in WWII, and had to be rebuilt? That's a lot closer than a couple of blocks.


Did you know that there were people of all faiths, from all continents across the world who died in the WTC? Including Muslims, Jews, Christians, and Atheists.


The daily fail, as usual, is whipping up the gullible into near hysteria. It's not AT ground zero, as the screaming headline suggests, it's actually two blocks away.


There's already a mosque in the vicinity, I understand? so what's the problem? We didn't insist that people stop playing football at Bradford, Heysel, Ibrox Park, or Hillsborough after the disasters there.


The would be Imam of the new Mosque has sought to link the siting of the Mosque with the 9/11 attacks. There intentions might be honourable, to show solidarity with the victims etc, but one has to ask, is that best done by doing something that is likely to aggrevate a large number of people, victims families in particular?


Football stadia disasters? That is a poor comparison.

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Tab1, you and your little clique could see a dark skinned, muslim man beat up an old women in the street for 50p and still defend them.


You never have, or ever will be 50/50 on this board. And by the looks of peoples replys, it looks as if you've been slapped about abit. Jog on.


Are you suggesting the guys who are seeking to build a Mosque go about beating little old women for their 50p?:huh:


My sig is so apt read what Gandhi said below.

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