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Ground Zero Mosque to be built on 10th anniversary of WTC attacks

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Religion has always been the problem from time immemorial some get wiped out some have progressed and moved with the times and then there are those that refuse to advance from their antiquated mediaeval barbaric roots
And some wish to live in the ice age, and remain uneducated about other cultures and religions, takes all sorts eh?
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Yes and you would know the English language better than me eh? Oh dear I have been reading your posts for long enough to know otherwise Noddy. So get back under that bridge troll.;)

I know what the word hypocrite means it seems you may have skipped that lesson..or more probably it didnt get through the brainwashing barrier

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Indeed we can see that bloody stride being taken here can't we by the screaming idiots about a Mosque being built in New York, not Sheffield but New York. Stride indeed, such hollow words must be from very high up the posterior?


I was refering not just to the mosque being built. I was talking in general, there have been many jokes and comments made about jesus and other icons but its only when your prophet is mentioned that all hell breaks lose. There are a lot of things blown out of proportion where islam is concerned and when this happens it makes the islamaphobes react more. I dont recall death threats being made when a certain cartoon ridicules jesus.

from what i have seen of some of your past posts, you too seem to speak from very high up your posterior too.

Try to remember that this is a discussion forum, not everyone can be correct in their oppinion, but everyone does have a right to an oppinion, if you agree with it or not.

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True. Americans arent the pussies we in the UK are when it comes to stuff like this. Let em build it i say.

It wont be there for long.


Are you completely stupid or is the notion of a "new bird" addled your brain?



"Americans aren't pussies":huh: Basically what you're saying is...they are if they allow them to build it.


And we in the UK are??...Can you tell us Mr Ramjet where are the Mosques we've built or even proposed to build on the site at Tavistock Square? Considering we are "pussies" when it comes to "stuff like this".



"It won't be there for long"...Why? You planning an expedition with the new bird.


Amazing, 29 words and you insult the Americans, the Muslims and the British people in one fell swoop! Edit: I'll take that back...nothing amazing about you.

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Religion has always been the problem from time immemorial some get wiped out some have progressed and moved with the times and then there are those that refuse to advance from their antiquated mediaeval barbaric roots


Islam can be barbaric, I agree. So can cluster bombing.

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I was refering not just to the mosque being built. I was talking in general, there have been many jokes and comments made about jesus and other icons but its only when your prophet is mentioned that all hell breaks lose. There are a lot of things blown out of proportion where islam is concerned and when this happens it makes the islamaphobes react more. I dont recall death threats being made when a certain cartoon ridicules jesus.

from what i have seen of some of your past posts, you too seem to speak from very high up your posterior too.

Try to remember that this is a discussion forum, not everyone can be correct in their oppinion, but everyone does have a right to an oppinion, if you agree with it or not.

Oh so those strides don't count when the narrow mind takes over the senses then to the exclusion of all else?


When you insult anyone or ridicule anyone intentionally then there is a reaction regardless of which religion they belong to. Draw a naughty picture of any respected figure and you will have people objecting to it. Why do you think a Mosque that will be used to pray in is being objected to if not for the very same reasons as the Muslims protest at, a perceived insult. My contention is that ordinary Muslims didn't insult anyone so why are they being targeted like this?

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