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Ground Zero Mosque to be built on 10th anniversary of WTC attacks

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Surely people are missing the point.


If someone wants to build a mosque then if they get planning permission there isn't an issue.


THE problem is that for some idiotic reason known only to these people, they purposely want to start construction on September 11th. Why? Why not September 3rd or October 10th?

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Surely people are missing the point.


If someone wants to build a mosque then if they get planning permission there isn't an issue.


THE problem is that for some idiotic reason known only to these people, they purposely want to start construction on September 11th. Why? Why not September 3rd or October 10th?


Answers on a postage stamp please (if you can get antagonise or plonkers on).

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So take away the war over oil and which religious war are you left with? The war to stop a Mosque being built?:loopy:

You dont understand do you,yes oil is the concern but you have religions clashing in the outcome,take away the religious aspect and a solution would be much easier to find....its much the same as the ww2 we fought under the christian banner as saviours of what is right yet the German,the evil nazis ,went into battle with "Gott mit uns" on their belts.,tell me whose version of Christianity was in the right there ? Religion has no place in war yet it is always to the fore.

The problem with you tabby everything has to be black or white ,as far as your concerned the middle ground does not exist.

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I can understand this and, although it stems from general ignorance, it is how a lot of people feel. It's a delicate situation and nobody is outright in the wrong. Muslims weren't responsible for the attacks; terrorists were. There's a difference there that some people seem unable to grasp.


Perhaps the planning permission should be refused on compassionate grounds; that is to say, not because the victims families are right, but because it is understandable that they feel that way.


I don't think its ignorance. Its more the fact (in my eyes) that muslim terrorists will use this as some kind of trophy, they have made their mark complete. The fact that it will not be built by them it would be built by moderate muslims would not stop them using it as a sign of victory. Something cross faith would be far more sympathetic and would mean a lot more.

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I would be surprised if the start date really is sept 11th, rather than "around september" as is more likely, and some people (probably the media but not necessarily) have taken sept 11th for a bit of extra sensationalism. I only point this out because a lot of the newspapers that are carrying it do not refer to a sept 11th start date.


That's my suspicion too, even the Mail article states that they need to raise the development money (£68 million), and planning hasn't even been granted yet, so it seems improbable that any start date has been confirmed.

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Full article


The Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf wants to build it there because Muslims want the whole world to know they condemn 9/11.


What do you think of this?


I think there r enough mosques allready, im quite sure if they want to honour them and show they condemn the attacks, they can come up with something that dosnt only benefit them, as usual

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