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Ground Zero Mosque to be built on 10th anniversary of WTC attacks

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:huh: I'm just mystified as to how you can honestly read my analogy as saying "all Muslims are terrorists".


Did you somehow miss the bit where I specifically mentioned two distinct groups of Christians in my analogy?


"Christian Dominist Terrorists" - clearly analogous with Al Qaeda

"another group of Christians" - clearly analogous with those trying to build this giant mosque.

You object to a Mosque in New York being proposed by local Muslims living in New York and use the twin Towers as a reason for objection yet you say you have nothing against ordinary Muslims? Where is the proposal that extremists are building the Mosque? If anything it's meant to be a conciliatory move by a well established figure of that community. How is that not prejudice? Your attempt at equalising your hate by mention of Christians is no way a justification of your objection on very unfair grounds Plek.
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Which rather puts all Tab1's hysterical shrieking about those who think this plan is a bad idea wanting "no place for Muslims praying and breathing" doesn't it.


I'd prefer not to engage in personal criticism of other posters who I'm not in dialogue with if that's ok.

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Only if you're too brainwashed to be able to make the distinction between christians and terrorists.

You didn't answer my question, if Christian Dominists crashed airliners into major landmarks in say Islamabad or Mecca and then some completely unconnected moderate Christian group attempted to build giant churches overlooking the sites of those attacks do you think the attempts to build those Churches would cause trouble?


Don't you think that even many/most of those inhabitants of Islamabad & Mecca "able to make the distinction between christians and terrorists" might object to giant churches overlooking the sites of those attacks?

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You mean other than introducing the western world to the concept of zero?

Don't confuse the guy, the Muslims only discovered zero after noticing the round empty space in Noddy's head in the first place:hihi: He is right Muslims owe him a debt of gratitude.:hihi:

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You didn't answer my question, if Christian Dominists crashed airliners into major landmarks in say Islamabad or Mecca and then some completely unconnected moderate Christian group attempted to build giant churches overlooking the sites of those attacks do you think the attempts to build those Churches would cause trouble?


Don't you think that even many/most of those inhabitants of Islamabad & Mecca "able to make the distinction between christians and terrorists" might object to giant churches overlooking the sites of those attacks?

IF, indeed if you had brains then you would not object but if you were a complete idiot then you would, as the case is here with those who had a look at the plans approved them but the loonies go for hysterics instead.

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..it also seems to suggest that the only victims of the 9/11 atrocity were non Muslims.


Personally I believe the proposed site is to close too Ground Zero, for no other reason than to defer to the sensitivities of those who are particularly upset about it.


I believe Muslims in NY have as much right to worship as any other religious group, who have their own significant places of worship, I dont see the desire to build a large mosque as the 'continued Islamification of America', as some commentators do.


I can understand this and, although it stems from general ignorance, it is how a lot of people feel. It's a delicate situation and nobody is outright in the wrong. Muslims weren't responsible for the attacks; terrorists were. There's a difference there that some people seem unable to grasp.


Perhaps the planning permission should be refused on compassionate grounds; that is to say, not because the victims families are right, but because it is understandable that they feel that way.

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Tab1, can you not see that building a large mosque on ground zero is going to upset a lot of people who lost loved ones in the attack?


Why is it that everything vaguely islamic is OK in your book and anyone who dares to question anything associated with Islam an islamaphobe. Why can you not stand up for common sense? Why does Islam come first in your mind over and above other peoples opinions on every occasion?

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How about a memorial to all those who died on the site itself with their names engraved and a plaque saying

"Slaughtered by barbarians in a heinous cowardly act committed on



Better yet just build the bloody mosque somewhere else

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You didn't answer my question, if Christian Dominists crashed airliners into major landmarks in say Islamabad or Mecca and then some completely unconnected moderate Christian group attempted to build giant churches overlooking the sites of those attacks do you think the attempts to build those Churches would cause trouble?


Don't you think that even many/most of those inhabitants of Islamabad & Mecca "able to make the distinction between christians and terrorists" might object to giant churches overlooking the sites of those attacks?


I think you'll find I answered the question directly Plek, but seeing as you seem to need it spelling out to you; no, it would only cause a problem if the people were too brainwashed to be able to make the distinction between christians and terrorists.

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Perhaps the planning permission should be refused on compassionate grounds; that is to say, not because the victims families are right, but because it is understandable that they feel that way.


That would be an eminently sensible outcome if it were legally permissible.

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