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Ground Zero Mosque to be built on 10th anniversary of WTC attacks

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Don't see why they shouldn't have their mosque, though I don't see why they want to purposefully site it near Ground Zero to show their objection to what happened. I think they need to show a little more consideration to the sensitivities of victims families in the wake of 9/11. I think the Imam has made a mistake in making a link with 9/11 at all.

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You object to a Mosque in New York being proposed by local Muslims living in New York and use the twin Towers as a reason for objection yet you say you have nothing against ordinary Muslims?

No, I think the proposal to build a giant mosque overlooking the site where the WTC used to be is unwise. I have no objection to places of worship for Muslims or any other group being built in New York.


I have no objection to there being a mosque there at the moment I just happen to think a gaint mosque on that site would not be appropriate. In the same way purdyamos thought the giant crosses over Mostar Bridge & Auschwitz were inappropriate.


Where is the proposal that extremists are building the Mosque?

Where did I say extremists have anything to do with this proposal? Why can't you act honestly for once and actually respond to what people post?


If anything it's meant to be a conciliatory move by a well established figure of that community.

A ill thought out "conciliatory move" that would seem to be having anything but a "conciliatory" effect, hence my objection.


How is that not prejudice? Your attempt at equalising your hate by mention of Christians is no way a justification of your objection on very unfair grounds Plek.

Sigh I used an analogy to try and help you understand why this proposal is attracting so much opposition, don't you even know what an analogy is?

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Tab1, can you not see that building a large mosque on ground zero is going to upset a lot of people who lost loved ones in the attack?


Why is it that everything vaguely islamic is OK in your book and anyone who dares to question anything associated with Islam an islamaphobe. Why can you not stand up for common sense? Why does Islam come first in your mind over and above other peoples opinions on every occasion?

I would ask you to consider how you feel about anything vaguely Israeli and then ask yourself the same question of why you can't bring yourself to criticize the Zionist state. That said the site is NOT at ground zero but two blocks away but that seems to be ignored. How many blocks away would it be OK for Muslims to have a Mosque, apparently nowhere according to one member on here. There is already a mosque there apparently so what is the problem?


I detest Islamophobia and regard it equal to Antisemitism with the same effect on innocent people being demonised.

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I think you'll find I answered the question directly Plek, but seeing as you seem to need it spelling out to you; no, it would only cause a problem if the people were too brainwashed to be able to make the distinction between christians and terrorists.

You honestly think only those who unable to "make the distinction between christians and terrorists" would object to such a thing :loopy:


You really don't so much as a single person who had no problem with Christians would see such giant churches overlooking major sites of Christian Terrorism would see the churches as at best ambiguous borderline triumphalist symbols of Christianity. Likely not to reassure Muslims of moderate Christian opposition to Domonist terrorism but to rub salt in the wound and divide rather than unite?

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You honestly think only those who unable to "make the distinction between christians and terrorists" would object to such a thing :loopy:


You really don't so much as a single person who had no problem with Christians would see such giant churches overlooking major sites of Christian Terrorism would see the churches as at best ambiguous borderline triumphalist symbols of Christianity. Likely not to reassure Muslims of moderate Christian opposition to Domonist terrorism but to rub salt in the wound and divide rather than unite?


A 'triumphilist symbol of christianity'... well then, what would be the problem with that? If, as you say, they could distinguish between christianity and terrorism, there should be no animosity.


... now if they erected a massive bomb shaped church and decorated it with pictures of dead muslims, thereby making it a TRIUMPHILIST SYMBOL OF TERRORISM, then I could see where a problem may arise.

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When the terrorists use the same justification of blaming all Christians for attacking their 'Muslim lands' all protest at being regarded as equally responsible but the same people have little problem in considering all Muslims as partly guilty or complicit in the Twin Towers attack. There is little difference in the terrorists idiotic mindset and those objecting to the Mosque for simply because it is a Muslim place of worship.

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You didn't answer my question, if Christian Dominists crashed airliners into major landmarks in say Islamabad or Mecca and then some completely unconnected moderate Christian group attempted to build giant churches overlooking the sites of those attacks do you think the attempts to build those Churches would cause trouble?


Don't you think that even many/most of those inhabitants of Islamabad & Mecca "able to make the distinction between christians and terrorists" might object to giant churches overlooking the sites of those attacks?


Building a Church in Mecca :hihi:


Only Muslims are allowed into Mecca, Churches cannot be built in Saudi Arabia. And Christians wanting to build a Church in Pakistan would struggle to get permission. Let alone if there were Christian terrorist attacks!

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Building a Church in Mecca :hihi:


Only Muslims are allowed into Mecca, Churches cannot be built in Saudi Arabia. And Christians wanting to build a Church in Pakistan would struggle to get permission. Let alone if there were Christian terrorist attacks!

Don't be so stupid man. There are churches in Pakistan and are used by the community of Christians. The Muslims of New York want a Mosque at the place where there is a building already partly used as a Mosque. Mecca doesn't have a Christian community so your suggestion is a bit thick to sau the least. The invasion of Afghanistan is regarded as Christian terrorism by many who have lost family members in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
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