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Ground Zero Mosque to be built on 10th anniversary of WTC attacks

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I would ask you to consider how you feel about anything vaguely Israeli and then ask yourself the same question of why you can't bring yourself to criticize the Zionist state. That said the site is NOT at ground zero but two blocks away but that seems to be ignored. How many blocks away would it be OK for Muslims to have a Mosque, apparently nowhere according to one member on here. There is already a mosque there apparently so what is the problem?


I detest Islamophobia and regard it equal to Antisemitism with the same effect on innocent people being demonised.



9/11 affected that whole area, not just the footprint of the twin towers. The article described how the present building was damaged by one of the plane's landing gear so even though it was two blocks away, it was still part of the scene. The explosion, the pulverised building dust and particles of human remains scattered a wide area, the entirety of which is seen as a sensitive space even though Ground Zero is the focus of the remembrance.


It's interesting you want to smear everyone on this thread as Islam haters even though my post specifically described the New York muslims as victims too, as fellow American citizens, and that this was meant as an inclusive, conciliatory act. I even gave examples where Christian symbolism was open to misinterpretation where the situation was reversed. All the insults and 'hysterical dramatics' you've hurled about on here would logically be the mindset of Mostar's muslims according to you. Or would they be permitted to be *differently sensitive?*


Shaz 112 has also conceded that, even if the judgement is wrong, some things can be construed in a way not intended. It's unfortunate, but that's the ambivalence of human nature. Just because people can see how it might look doesn't automatically mean they think that's right.

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I can understand this and, although it stems from general ignorance, it is how a lot of people feel. It's a delicate situation and nobody is outright in the wrong. Muslims weren't responsible for the attacks; terrorists were. There's a difference there that some people seem unable to grasp.


Perhaps the planning permission should be refused on compassionate grounds; that is to say, not because the victims families are right, but because it is understandable that they feel that way.


Thank you. I agree (although was unable to put it as succinctly and had to resort to hysterical dramatics).

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No it's not nasty Yanks again but the Islam haters jumping on the bandwagon because they have their pleasure of Islam bashing. I asked before, are the terrorists building the Mosque or the ordinary New York Muslims?

This thread has demonstrates who considers all Muslims as the problem rather than the extremists.

What's an ordinary muslim ?..someone like you ,you mean...your having a laugh

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9/11 affected that whole area, not just the footprint of the twin towers. The article described how the present building was damaged by one of the plane's landing gear so even though it was two blocks away, it was still part of the scene. The explosion, the pulverised building dust and particles of human remains scattered a wide area, the entirety of which is seen as a sensitive space even though Ground Zero is the focus of the remembrance.


It's interesting you want to smear everyone on this thread as Islam haters even though my post specifically described the New York muslims as victims too, as fellow American citizens, and that this was meant as an inclusive, conciliatory act. I even gave examples where Christian symbolism was open to misinterpretation where the situation was reversed. All the insults and 'hysterical dramatics' you've hurled about on here would logically be the mindset of Mostar's muslims according to you. Or would they be permitted to be *differently sensitive?*


Shaz 112 has also conceded that, even if the judgement is wrong, some things can be construed in a way not intended. It's unfortunate, but that's the ambivalence of human nature. Just because people can see how it might look doesn't automatically mean they think that's right.


I don't need to smear anyone as Islam hater, they can do that quite well all by themselves it seems. I don't think I singled you out but suggested in general that this thread demonstrates who the Islam haters are with all the backslapping that went on at the start of the thread. I posed a question which instead of being answered it was ignored in favour of comparisons with Mecca and ifs and buts and implication of why Islam or Muslims should share the extended guilt.

The simple way to look at it is not to regard innocent people as terrorists and not to blame religion as being the cause of the attacks. To argue against that standpoint is, in my view, looking for excuses to justify hate for Islam and Muslims who have nothing to do with the attacks. If my opinion is disagreeable to you then we have to agree to disagree. If you think that coments about blowing it up are not hate for Islam and the Muslims then we do differ in how we interprate the written words on fora such as this.

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I would ask you to consider how you feel about anything vaguely Israeli and then ask yourself the same question of why you can't bring yourself to criticize the Zionist state. That said the site is NOT at ground zero but two blocks away but that seems to be ignored. How many blocks away would it be OK for Muslims to have a Mosque, apparently nowhere according to one member on here. There is already a mosque there apparently so what is the problem?


I detest Islamophobia and regard it equal to Antisemitism with the same effect on innocent people being demonised.


You are not answering the question though are you and you seem more interested in my opinion of Israel (which is incorrect) as a response to why you fail to be critical of anything associated with Islam.


Could you please go back and read my post and answer the questions.

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Don't confuse the guy, the Muslims only discovered zero after noticing the round empty space in Noddy's head in the first place:hihi: He is right Muslims owe him a debt of gratitude.:hihi:

the Muslims must be lying...again,if your statement is true ...you do know what true means don't you ? I know its not something your acquainted with,I suppose its like asking you to describe moderate...impossible

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What's an ordinary muslim ?..someone like you ,you mean...your having a laugh
The Muslims living in NY are the Muslims in question or have lost track of the topic already? :roll:
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Why not just leave the site alone?...build nothing on it...it's a memorial in it's own right. Then again if we built memorials in the name of those that died there wouldn't be much left of the planet to build anything else on.


There's no money in leaving it alone. It's probably the most expensive piece of realty on the planet.


This issue has probably more to do with greed than anything else. If the West was so up in arms about it why is a mosque even being considered?:suspect:

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