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Ground Zero Mosque to be built on 10th anniversary of WTC attacks

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Why not just leave the site alone?...build nothing on it...it's a memorial in it's own right. Then again if we built memorials in the name of those that died there wouldn't be much left of the planet to build anything else on.


There's no money in leaving it alone. It's probably the most expensive piece of realty on the planet.


This issue has probably more to do with greed than anything else. If the West was so up in arms about it why is a mosque even being considered?:suspect:

It's not being considered for the actual site of the Twin Towers, it's two blocks away, ironically a Mosque already exists in place but they simply wish to replace it.

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You are not answering the question though are you and you seem more interested in my opinion of Israel (which is incorrect) as a response to why you fail to be critical of anything associated with Islam.


Could you please go back and read my post and answer the questions.

I wasn't interested in your opinion as much as ask yourself for the answer of why I would defend my religion as you defend what you believe in passionately, but seems too much to ask :roll:
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It's not being considered for the actual site of the Twin Towers, it's two blocks away, ironically a Mosque already exists in place but they simply wish to replace it.


Then why all the hoo haa?



Still...big bucks in it though.

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I wasn't interested in your opinion as much as ask yourself for the answer of why I would defend my religion as you defend what you believe in passionately, but seems too much to ask :roll:


You are still not answering the question though. Your reasoning seems to be something to do with someone else’s opinion on a completely unrelated matter.


Why are you unable to answer the question? It’s very simple and not designed to catch you out.

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Would the city of Honolulu have permitted the building of a Japanese Bhuddist temple right next to the Arizona memorial at Pearl Harbor nine years after the Japanese attack on Dec7/1941 ? No they wouldn't have in respect to the two thousand sailors who perished there that day.


So why is the city planning department of New York even thinking of permitting a Muslim mosque to be placed near ground zero nine years after 9/11? The lack of sensitivity is hard to understand.


I would hope that the families of those who died will get together and sign a petition demanding that the planning department deny it.

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You know...it really doesn't get any sicker than this, but really not surprising by the sicko of SF. Those "few of their own" probably had as much to do with the bombing as did you.


Poppins rant is just as sick but at least she has the conviction to say it, unlike you.

So when we read about suicide bombers in pakistan targeting their fellow countrymen we should associate the victims with 911 ?..Are you by any chance related to tabby.

As for my convictions your very slow,I think its well understood that I consider Islam a evil and backward religion with one goal,the total eradication of anyone who is not of the religion...Ask the Jews their outlook of the religion I think we may be in some sort of agreement

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I am sure your views will be duly registered by the NY planners as important contribution to betterment of society, well done thank you for your enlightened contribution what will do without you:hihi:


Oh! That's ok! Always aim to please.

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