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Why are whites five times richer than blacks?

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Race and intelligence research investigates differences in the distributions of cognitive skills among human racial groups. Debates in popular science and academic research over the possible relation between racial divisions and differences in intelligence originally began as a comparison of African Americans and Caucasians in the United States, but were later extended to other ethno-racial groups and regions of the world. In the US, intelligence quotient (IQ) tests have consistently demonstrated statistical differences, with the average score of the African American population being significantly lower - and that of the Asian American population being significantly higher - than that of the White American population. At the same time, there is considerable overlap between these group scores, and members of each racial group can be found at all points on the IQ spectrum. Similar findings have been reported for related populations around the world, most notably in Africa, though these are generally considered far less reliable due to the relative paucity of test data and the difficulties inherent in the cross-cultural comparison of intelligence test scores.

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Guest sibon
Race and intelligence research investigates differences in the distributions of cognitive skills among human racial groups. Debates in popular science and academic research over the possible relation between racial divisions and differences in intelligence originally began as a comparison of African Americans and Caucasians in the United States, but were later extended to other ethno-racial groups and regions of the world. In the US, intelligence quotient (IQ) tests have consistently demonstrated statistical differences, with the average score of the African American population being significantly lower - and that of the Asian American population being significantly higher - than that of the White American population. At the same time, there is considerable overlap between these group scores, and members of each racial group can be found at all points on the IQ spectrum. Similar findings have been reported for related populations around the world, most notably in Africa, though these are generally considered far less reliable due to the relative paucity of test data and the difficulties inherent in the cross-cultural comparison of intelligence test scores.


Dear Trueconstruct


If you are going to copy and paste, please choose a more interesting site than Wikipedia. Choosing that website shows a certain lack of class, imagination and intelligence.


We used to have a poster on here who did a similar thing. He shared a lot of your views. He used to copy and paste from Stormfront. Perhaps you have met and swapped debating tactics.


Either way round... why not come up with some original ideas?

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Race and intelligence research investigates differences in the distributions of cognitive skills among human racial groups. Debates in popular science and academic research over the possible relation between racial divisions and differences in intelligence originally began as a comparison of African Americans and Caucasians in the United States, but were later extended to other ethno-racial groups and regions of the world. In the US, intelligence quotient (IQ) tests have consistently demonstrated statistical differences, with the average score of the African American population being significantly lower - and that of the Asian American population being significantly higher - than that of the White American population. At the same time, there is considerable overlap between these group scores, and members of each racial group can be found at all points on the IQ spectrum. Similar findings have been reported for related populations around the world, most notably in Africa, though these are generally considered far less reliable due to the relative paucity of test data and the difficulties inherent in the cross-cultural comparison of intelligence test scores.


Where did you cut and paste that from?


It's twenty times long as anything I've seen you post before, all spelling is correct and the vocabulary just isn't you - "ethno - racial", "spectrum", "quotient", "paucity". :roll:

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Guest sibon
Where did you cut and paste that from?


It's twenty times long as anything I've seen you post before, all spelling is correct and the vocabulary just isn't you - "ethno - racial", "spectrum", "quotient", "paucity". :roll:


See my post above. The only miracle is that Wiki managed to produce a coherent article.

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The old argument that it is because of racism doesn't hold water any more.


One of the main reasons why blacks are not closing the gap between poverty and affluence is the continuing dysfuntionality in a very large percentage of black families in America. Father did a runner leaving the mother to bring up the kids and trying to either support them by working in low paying unskilled jobs or living on welfare. This leaves no chance for the kids to ever hope to go to college or university and condemned to live a life in poor crime ridden neighborhoods. It's a continuing cycle passing from one generation to another. Black activists such as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton do their people no service either by continuing to blame white society for black misfortunes instead of telling it like it is.


By contrast refugees from countries such as Vietnam and Cambodia have arrived in America with not much money, few skills and little knowledge of English and yet by the time the second generation has reached adulthood their generation have been through college or university and working in good well paying skilled jobs or have put a lot of hard work and long hours into building up a thriving business. Their family structure unlike that of blacks is closely knit where children grow up in two parent households and everyone has an important part to play and the importance of education is constantly emphasized


The large majority of white Americans also adhere to the same principles

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So the below from the article doesn't have anything to do with it?


"African-Americans, before the 1960s, first by law and then by custom, were not really allowed to own businesses. They had very little access to credit. There was a very low artificial ceiling on the wealth that could be accumulated. Hence there was very little, if anything, that could be passed along to help their children get to college, to help their children buy their first homes, or as an inheritance when they die,"


I would say that's a pretty significant factor.

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What's behind this pretty shocking report?





Full story here


Because the African American's decendants were kidnapped by the agents of a technologically more advanced society, where they were brought to work, not as equal participants, but as slave labour. When this slave system was outlawed - a mere 150 years ago - it was not replaced by a more inclusive scheme, but instead the Afro Americans were left to their own devices, without any plan to help them move from being an uneducated and severely economically disadvantaged minority. On the contrary, large segments of the white population actively used their superior social staus and wealth and political power to exclude the black community from advancing to a state of equal opportunities. Such activities were even condoned by the law in the USA until less than 50 years ago.


Considering the scale of the inequalities which were created and the very short time which has elapsed since Black Americans have even been officially granted equal rights - it is difficult to imagine how it could be otherwise.

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