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Why are whites five times richer than blacks?

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Because the African American's decendants were kidnapped by the agents of a technologically more advanced society, where they were brought to work, not as equal participants, but as slave labour. When this slave system was outlawed - a mere 150 years ago - it was not replaced by a more inclusive scheme, but instead the Afro Americans were left to their own devices, without any plan to help them move from being an uneducated and severely economically disadvantaged minority. On the contrary, large segments of the white population actively used their superior social staus and wealth and political power to exclude the black community from advancing to a state of equal opportunities. Such activities were even condoned by the law in the USA until less than 50 years ago.


Considering the scale of the inequalities which were created and the very short time which has elapsed since Black Americans have even been officially granted equal rights - it is difficult to imagine how it could be otherwise.


Jeeeez, what a load of, we all started out living in caves you know :thumbsup:

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It is important to understand that the article/report referred to in the original post is not about earnings.


It is about the aquisition of assets other than the home dwelling.

... and it is comparing the "wealth" built up by blacks and whites that have similar incomes.


i.e. what people do with the money they earn and how they can access other ways to increase their "wealth".

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Because the African American's decendants were kidnapped by the agents of a technologically more advanced society.

Oh no they weren't, the slaves were already slaves taken by other Negroes who then brought them to the ports in Africa and sold them to the White Slave traders.

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Oh no they weren't, the slaves were already slaves taken by other Negroes who then brought them to the ports in Africa and sold them to the White Slave traders.


kidnapped by the agents of a technologically more advanced society


Get it........?

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When you reply to a post that is referring to the fact that one of the reasons is because black people have basically only been free in the US for 50 years, it is entirely irrelevant that a few thousand years ago we lived in caves.

So not nitpicking, sticking to the topic, unlike you.


It is relevant cos you are now talking about slavery, which also 'finished' more than 50 years, so it's alright for you to move the goalposts eh ?

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