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Is having Kids Necessary.

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I reckon it's a personal decision.


If you intend to be responsible for your offspring for the rest of your life and not expect them to be responsible for you then that's what being a parent is about, you choose to bring them into your world not the other way round.


If you feel under pressure to have children because "everyone else has them" then you shouldn't even begin to consider having children. Many people think that being in a relationship is then followed by having children in that relationship, this shouldn't be so.


I admire people who decide either of these options, being a responsible parent is hard work and very rewarding, being childless by choice is also commendable.

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Most definately. Mum was in three homes before we found the right one for her needs. I doubt some official would have been bothered.


But...to answer the original question....No it isn't necessary if that's your choice, but the benefits in later years outweighs all the aggro of teenage years. I love seeing the grandkids and watching their development, none of which would happen if we'd taken the selfish option of putting "us" first.


How exactly can not be having children selfish? Selfishness implies putting yourself before others, I'm pretty sure that hypothetical others who don't exist don't count.

If anything, having children is selfish, given the state of the world today.

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But...to answer the original question....No it isn't necessary if that's your choice, but the benefits in later years outweighs all the aggro of teenage years. I love seeing the grandkids and watching their development, none of which would happen if we'd taken the selfish option of putting "us" first.


It is not selfish not to have kids!

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Yes, Cyclone is correct ; despite wars, disease and catastrophes, the world 's population is growing at an ever-faster rate, like compound interest, really ! So, despite dire warnings from various pressure groups about our planet 's imminent demise, the improvements in health, diet.......etc.....seem to be outweighing any negative effects that there are swirling around us.

Here in China, the government were very worried about 20 years ago about their huge population and put a lot of pressure on most people only to have one child. It did slow things down considerably but, as far as I know, the population is still increasing to some extent. The Chinese were, naturally [ ! ], heavily criticised by some groups. India 's population has now nearly levelled with China 's. Maybe, over-population is THE world 's main problem ?? We can only hold our breaths !

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I've advised .. TOLD, my two daughters not to have any! Despite our eldest saying she would like a child within the next 5 years ... utterly stupid girl !! She has a mountain of debts from Uni .. she owes ME £70 .. she can't afford to pay board, she owes her Dad £110 ... she hasn't paid her National Insurance during the time she was self employed .. Oh Hum !


AT least our youngest has her head screwed on the right way.

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Most definately. Mum was in three homes before we found the right one for her needs. I doubt some official would have been bothered.


But...to answer the original question....No it isn't necessary if that's your choice, but the benefits in later years outweighs all the aggro of teenage years. I love seeing the grandkids and watching their development, none of which would happen if we'd taken the selfish option of putting "us" first.


Maybe I phrased that wrong.....I wasn't meaning it's selfish of people not to have kids. I was referring to "us" in particular.

I realise everyone is different, and for us it was more important to have a family than it was to have both of us working for material things.

The wife stopped work to bring up the kids, and we accepted that we would have less money coming in.

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Having kids is only necessary if you really want them and have a desire to be a parent. They are not a fashion accessory or a toy, require energy, money, commitment and you'll get no thanks for anything you do at the time.


They are not an essential and in no way are they a "miracle" or interesting to other people.


That said not having kids isn't a particularly difficult thing to do either so long as your doing it for the right reasons. DON'T be pretending that by not having kids you are making a huge sacrifice or that you are some kind of martyr. People who choose not to have kids should be honest and upfront about their selfishness. You are choosing to remain childless because you like your freedom and your house tidy and the disposable income you have and I applaud you for that. Thats your choice and good luck to you. The only thing I ask in return is that you don't crow too much about you fine decision making.

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