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Is having Kids Necessary.

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It's necessary that some people have children....it's called furthering the species....that's the scientific bit.


Kids don't cause problems...bad parenting does, if my child turn out to be a problem, it won't be because she was born one....it'll be because I made a hash of bringing her up.


Of course not everyone has to have children.....it may be what we are biologically pre disposed to do, but if it's not for you then if you rid the world of hunger or cure cancer or bring an end to all war then your time on this planet will still have been productive and worthwhile :P

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You only live once, so why sacrifice all your money, time, energy and the best years of your life for...........?


How can the benefit of having kids possibly outweigh the benefit of not having kids, there is simply no contest. So, there is only a requirement to have kids if you long for a dull, boring, mind numbing routine filled existence which has the added bonus of draining you of all your money.



YOU do not WANT childen, fine but that does not mean those who do have ruined there life, children bring so much joy love and happiness to the lifes of parents, alot of people get a hell of alot more saticfaction out of providing for there children and watching them flourish than they do drinking or possesing over priced useless material possesions, its pretty damn obvious you have no kids as if you did you'd be fully aware that the last thing life becomes is dull, boring and a mind numbing routine,

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From the outside it looks terminally dull, and from observation it certainly does rob you of time, money and the inclination to do anything.


Best to wait till your late 30's me thinks.

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From the outside it looks terminally dull, and from observation it certainly does rob you of time, money and the inclination to do anything.
A lot of it is dull! Especially the drudgy, household grind sort of stuff (changing nappies, preparing the meals, washing and more washing, wondering how to entertain them, constantly tidying, toddler groups, not managing to leave the house til 3 when you had planned a day out). However, our biology and evolution is an amazing thing and despite all this drudge, the joy of them being, existing, transcends all that for me (most of the time!). I never thought I'd have kids yet, despite my intellectual self knowing that it probably wouldn't enhance my life, my biological imperative got the better of me and I'm glad it did. My point is that if I hadn't had kids, I wouldn't have the experience of the maternal bond and wouldn't miss it. My life was pretty good beforehand and that would hopefully have continued with more time and money for myself! I'm sure that life's not always going to be lacking in adventure from now on but newborns and very young children certainly don't make for a thrilling life. What I'm also looking forward to is the adult relationship I'll have with my children. They don't stay kids forever.


Best to wait till your late 30's me thinks.

We did this (I had my first aged 38 and second and third aged 41) but, particularly for women, if you leave it this late you can't guarantee that you'll be able to have kids.

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If you don't have kids, how will you have the fun of having grandkids?


There's nothing to match the pleasure of indulging your grandchild in all sorts of sugary sweets, with innumerable E-numbers, getting them as high as a kite on said sugar and Enumbers... (preferably sleep deprived, and fractious...)


and then, handing them back to their parents and saying


"Here you go. PAYBACK time!!*evil laughter*" :hihi:

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i have 2 children and i can only speak from my own experiance but i found you can still do all the fun stuff but for me it doesnt come without guilt.


i work full time and still try and fit in a social life which can be tricky, i used to see my mates a LOT now im lucky if i get too see them once every couple of months.


sometimes its a choice between seeing my mates and having a little fun or sitting down to watch yet another disney dvd or going to a soft play area during the little time off i get and if i chose to see my mates then i do feel some guilt at not being with my kids and partner. so yes children change things mainly your prioritys but id never tell anyone to never have kids and id never tell anyone they must have kids.


i do however wish i had waited a bit to have mine though as it would have been better for them, but i made the choice to have my children when i did.

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