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Coalition starts to clean up debt mess.

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Brownie and his cronies not jumping about saying it's not true.

Darling coming up with some fatuous remark and the rest have slithered away.

I am afraid we are in one hell of a mess thanks to the underhand way in which the figures were 'hidden'.

No doubt the new lot will get it in the neck when drastic cuts are made.

Gordon Brown the best chancellor ever??He used more trickery than Paul Daniels in pulling

numbers out of a hat.


Gordo's off-sheet PFI jiggery-pokery wasn't hidden to anyone who reads Private Eye

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Thankfully we have the internet to record what happened as it happened, time stamped and authenticated.


Lying politicians have had their day.


Yes. noone's ever issued anything like UPDATE table SET timestamp = NOW() - 5 DAY WHERE record_id = blahblah, ever!


I wonder when Labour changed their on-line manifesto...



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Thankfully we have the internet to record what happened as it happened, time stamped and authenticated.


Lying politicians have had their day.

I really hope you are right on this but looking at some of the more political debates held in these very forums I've noted that people have a tendency to ignore inconvenient facts


Gordo's off-sheet PFI jiggery-pokery wasn't hidden to anyone who reads Private Eye
true, sadly a report in private eye doesn't carry as much weight as a report in the financial times


and even if we had known we couldn't have stopped him or got labour out of office before they were good and ready to go

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I really hope you are right on this but looking at some of the more political debates held in these very forums I've noted that people have a tendency to ignore inconvenient facts


true, sadly a report in private eye doesn't carry as much weight as a report in the financial times


and even if we had known we couldn't have stopped him or got labour out of office before they were good and ready to go


Yep - that's the truly sad, undemocratic bit

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I don't really think evidence will be confined to a bunch of edited SQL tables on one DBMS really though...


You're probably right. It was just a glib reply to Tony's glib point. But still doesn't answer the question - when exactly did Labour change their on-line manifesto, and what exactly were the changes

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