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The Gray Family

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I have come across the following items:

1) Wedding invitation from a Mrs E Gray of Lynd-Hurst, Ormesby Bank,Marton to Mr and Mrs H Theaker on the marraige of her daughter Alexandra to Mr Harold Williamson at Holy Trinity Church, North Ormesby on August 31st 1933


2) Very similar to above but for 21st birthday of Alexandra 20th September 1928 and address is Fountain Cottage, Ormesby


3)A blank wedding invitation from Mr and Mrs J Gray on marraige og their daughter Eleanor to Mr Horace Theaker Holy Trinity 22nd June. No year stated, Issuing address is 21 Coronation Street Nort Ormesby

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  • 2 months later...

Further to my previous post which received no replies I now have come across a small bible, and I detail below the info on the opening page. Surely someone must be researching the Gray Family.

North Ormesby

Parish Church

Sunday School

Advent 1915


Ethel Gray

HH Spencelayh


Rev. Cannon Lawson, M>A> Vicar

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  • 1 year later...

The link for the gray and Theaker family you are missing is as follows


There were several Sisters in the Gray family who lived once at the Fountain House Ormesby near Middlesborough.


Ethel, Nellie, Alexandra and two others one of whom who lived near Hull.


Nellie (Eleanor) had a daughter Norma for whom the last known address I have is in Crossens Southport.


Quite how these items got to Sheffield I dont Know.


My relationship is that I am the son of Alexandra Grey and Harold Williamson

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Not sure there is a link to Sheffield. I just pposted on the site as being the nearest location to post. Norma now has dementia so I sort of get bits from her at times that I try to piece together. Basically I have pics and bits that possibly could be of benefit to modern day Grays and Theakers and am at a loss as to what to do with them really.

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So where is Norma now resident as you say near Sheffield which is in a totally different part of the country to Lancashire/Fflyde and how did she get there. My last info was the Crossens/Southport location and when she was seriously ill there were two groups who would inform originally my mother and after she died, me.


I have only to my knowledge met Norma three times in my life. Once as a small child in Scarborough, once when I visited Nellie with my parents probably around 1960 and once in 1969 when I had to go to Liverpool. I can fill in some gaps in the timeline

Norma owned a dog and it was named Gypp.

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Good Morning,

Forget the Sheffield link--I simply posted on the site in case anyone would have any interests in the items I have in my possession. These are part of Normas life and it seems a shame that they are in a box in my storeroom. I have kept them on Normas behalf but I am getting on and feel they dont belong to me. I am not related to Norma, am considered as her carer in case of need, and am always consulted on any issues regarding her well being. Norma lived in Brook St. Crossens from birth to about 4 years ago. She has had mental health probs. for about 40+ years now, as you seem to be aware of. She was constantly in and out of hospital over these years. iIn 2007 she was admitted to a emi. care home here in Southport, and is very well for her age. My partner and I have looked after Norma along with social services since 1988. She now has dementia and I visit her weekly at the care home. Gypp died approx 17 years ago and Norma has since then had a westie which recently died of old age at 14.Although I have a couple of photo albumns I am unable to get Norma to identify people in the pics. There seems to be a "mental block" regarding this issue.. Norma as I say is extremely well all considering. Her dementia now is variable day to day but on occasions her recollections of her earlier days are good, albeit she is sometimes difficult to understand.Her father worked in a grocers in Southport.Eleanor prior to marraige worked in a tax office in or around Ormesby according to Norma.

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This may help fill the blanks


Go to this link and print the one page content to show to Norma.





Names that should trigger unblacked memories from this article will be


Frank, Tet (think short for Elizabeth), Robert, Eileen.


A help with the photos you hold is that some may show the parks in Scarborough Northstead and Peasholm.


Missing memories I think will be from the period 1955 - 1975



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