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How to motivate staff

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I think the question is how? What are you going to do - make them stay behind after work for detention? If you go running to the upper management every time the staff get a little out of hand then you are failing in the job you are supposed to be doing. When people push the line too far - what do you do?


I have a chain of procedures I must follow from action plans to disciplinaries. Things like 'detention' cannot be implemented.

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In response to multiple posts:

I have my own office and I am Management so I get a mobile. I update a website by using this so the 'don't use your mobile' isn't valid in this situation whether or not I log into SF during the day, that is my own choice as my phone bill does get checked. I use SF to research for work for info on opinions and thoughts that come from Sheffield people.

I haven’t lost control of my staff nor am I about to leave. I merely asked for advice from you on ‘idea’s on how to motivate my staff’, not a judgement on my role! Geez!


I have effectively changed the environment for staff since joining the dept and implemented a lot of positive changes. However, I have two disruptive staff who I have followed procedure and put onto action plans, put through disciplinary and now waiting for the senior management to do their bit and take it further. I don’t work in a private company so control of finances and bonuses etc...are not available from me.


Showing anger or saying 'I am the boss' kind of thing isn't an option as I have more respect for myself and my employers. I follow HR and protocol very closely to the point as not to become like failing Managers I endured in the past. I work professionally every day and they know who is the boss, it's not about that, it's about how I can get them to want to do their work and be proud of being a part of something that works and also has a positive impact in the world. I can't just say 'you're sacked' as this isn't a private company, these staff have unions reps and a personnel seem to be a little scared of them. Swings and roundabouts here!!


I am highly trained, meet all my targets and have glowing appraisals I was put into this dept from a recommendation. I do ‘manage’ I also ‘lead’, however, when you have a chain of seniors above you, your idea’s sometimes get tossed out by them due to bureaucracy and fear of Unions!!


I see it was wrong for me to ask advice here as the majority of it has been useless and it seems some just like to stir things. I have only a few decent pieces of advice I can use here out of 3 pages. So forget I posted this, I will seek answers elsewhere - but many thanks to those who haven't had their two pence worth and have given me good advice!!!



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The last time I got one of those I was at school, verbal warning, written warning, and sack and the rest will fall like a pack of cards.


I've never managed anyone - I can barely manage myself :help:, but how about having an office "naughty step" like they do on SuperNanny?

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I've never managed anyone - I can barely manage myself :help:, but how about having an office "naughty step" like they do on SuperNanny?


Oh how I would love to, but there's 'Unfairness at work' which can be construed into all sorts of ways.


No, I will work with my seniors and see what they can do about getting these two trouble makers out of the dept as they are creating low morale for the rest of their team. All it takes it one to disrupt everyone else and the others, who are good workers who behave a have good attendance records, end up losing out due to the bad ones.

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I see it was wrong for me to ask advice here as the majority of it has been useless and it seems some just like to stir things. I have only a few decent pieces of advice I can use here out of 3 pages. So forget I posted this, I will seek answers elsewhere - but many thanks to those who haven't had their two pence worth and have given me good advice!!


you have 2,700+ posts on this forum, you knew very well what was likely to happen when you asked for help, if you didn't then which threads do you post in ? because I want to post in them and have sensible discussions too


hopefully mine was one of the more useful replies

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