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Al-Qaeda operative cannot be deported

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Guest sibon
Yes his discussing a girls name and describing her looks as crystal clear and the wedding arrangements having many guests at the party has to be code for a terrorist attack hasn't it. Could it be that the guy was actually discussing his arranged wedding arrangements? Which is after all what he claimed and strangely enough they also check out. With only days to go they still needed to train how to handle explosives and had never handled explosives in their lives but the plans were only days away A likely story.


Mr Naseer may, or may not be guilty. Sadly we will never know. The reason for this is supposedly "lack of evidence". I'm not from the hang em and flog em brigade, as you know, but I would like to know if these people were planning a terror attack, or a wedding. Some might think that the two are very similar anyway:)


If guilty, our interest would be best served by locking them up, for a very long time. If they are innocent, we have nothing to fear.


So, why has the British justice system failed us, yet again? The CPS seem in thrall to the intelligence services. "Insufficient evidence", or "We can't disclose that, in the National Interest" are pathetic diversions from the truth. That truth is that our security services want carte blanche to operate summary justice and they don't want to be accountable to anyone.


If we ever give into them on this, the Terrorists have truly won.

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Agreed, it only needs to be published on the front page of the daily sport or the National Enquirer, and we'll have it absolutely confirmed!



Guess you don't know too much about the National Enquirer then.:roll:

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Mr Naseer may, or may not be guilty. Sadly we will never know. The reason for this is supposedly "lack of evidence". I'm not from the hang em and flog em brigade, as you know, but I would like to know if these people were planning a terror attack, or a wedding. Some might think that the two are very similar anyway:)


If guilty, our interest would be best served by locking them up, for a very long time. If they are innocent, we have nothing to fear.


So, why has the British justice system failed us, yet again? The CPS seem in thrall to the intelligence services. "Insufficient evidence", or "We can't disclose that, in the National Interest" are pathetic diversions from the truth. That truth is that our security services want carte blanche to operate summary justice and they don't want to be accountable to anyone.


If we ever give into them on this, the Terrorists have truly won.

I agree whole heartedly with that point sibon.

I have edited my previous post further to add a clarification of my stance on this. the girls name used and the prospective suitor as it were in the arranged marriage (according to Pakistani Newspapers) checks out, so leaving egg on face of the security services assumptions. The judge in his experience regards the theory of the security services as plausible but that would have taken evidence provided by the very same people who made up the wrong assumptions in the first place. The people who would have been responsible for checking out the suspects' stories had a vested interest to create the impression they did, even then couldn't secure a charge. From the outset I have had my suspicions and they were only confirmed today. I posted in reference to this in July 2007


I recall the hooha around those students arrested in Lancashire as a major terrorist breakthrough. Then a few weeks later most were released and yesterday the final two were released as well. The news reporters were standing outside the Trafford Shopping centre asking people how they felt about terrorist attack being averted and this shopping centre saved from being blown up. Yet the only thing being blown up was the truth and that mostly by the Police. We didn't get any headlines screaming the students arrested as terrorists were innocent of the allegations made against them, so how can we expect the perceptions to change?

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I dont know much about this Al Qaeda geezer in England but if the UK Immigration are too soft in the head to kick him out it would behoove the security services to keep him under surveillance anyway..


On two occasions that I can think of warning signs have been ignored. The first when so called students from Saudi Arabia signed up for flying lessons at a private airfield in Florida and were concerned only with how to steer an aircraft when off auto pilot.


The second concerning ex-army major Nidal Hasan, American born who killed several of his fellow soldiers at Ford Hood Texas last year even though it was known that he was blogging on websites frequented by terrorists.


Every time I have to go through all the security checks at airports, all the waiting in lines and inconvenience I hate these ba**rds more and more every day.

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I dont know much about this Al Qaeda geezer in England but if the UK Immigration are too soft in the head to kick him out it would behoove the security services to keep him under surveillance anyway..


On two occasions that I can think of warning signs have been ignored. The first when so called students from Saudi Arabia signed up for flying lessons at a private airfield in Florida and were concerned only with how to steer an aircraft when off auto pilot.


The second concerning ex-army major Nidal Hasan, American born who killed several of his fellow soldiers at Ford Hood Texas last year even though it was known that he was blogging on websites frequented by terrorists.


Every time I have to go through all the security checks at airports, all the waiting in lines and inconvenience I hate these ba**rds more and more every day.



Warning signs have to be ignored because they unset people like Tab and Halibut.

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I bet you'll claim the British Government doesn't allow torture either, there are many who have evidence and scars to prove otherwise.



So, the accused/innocents (or however one chooses to name them) may not be sent to their mother country as the government may allow torture, but they are to remain in a country that does? How does that sit alongside their freedoms? :huh:


My previous point aside, IF they were guilty, wouldn't it be better if they remained, so that we knew what they were up to? Keep your friends close, enemies even closer, etc....

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How-about legally breaching their rights by putting them through a court and holding them in prison on remand until their trial? If guilty lock them away for a long time, if innocent, they can walk away free. What's wrong with doing it this way?
How about if giving information in public would compramise the future saftey of nationals ?


They don't with-hold evidance from public for nothing, they are still accountable to law and when the time is right it comes out. I think its 25 year isn't it ?


What would you have us do, convict a small cell and jeopardize a big operation with operatives working inside that supplied the info that could cost more lives ?


When are people going to stop sympathising for the perpetrator and start thinking about there fellow folk that could and will be the next victims without the vigil that they are taking on our behalves ?


Either your British and want to protect your fellow Brits or your British and want to accuse the Gov't at every avenue and care nothing about who has who's best inters at heart.

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guildford 4?, birmingham 6? Maguire 7?

And your point is ?


I too have been a victim of miscarage of justice, I had it overturned in the crown court but not before having done the community service of which there was no mention of. There must be hundreds a year where they don't get it right.


The examples you use are only because of there links to terrorism. They are however totally different, they were from a people with a link to us with history, peoples and faith. They did not try and kil indiscriminately, they got there own out of the way and the majority of the time gave prior warning. You are trying to link 2 things by name only like WW1 and WW2 and not throwing any context into it what so ever.

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Did they find any explosives or found the guys had any training in handling explosives or the allegations of a bomb plot only days away did the guys have any stockpile of the material required to blow your limbs off? Nothing at all was found that is why there is so much egg on the Governments face at the moment with simpletons like you working themselves up into a frenzy over a lie.

Did they find bills on al Capone marked tax ?

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