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Men are bigger liars than women, says poll

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We all lie, all the time. It often makes things easier for all involved. If you never lie, I bet you haven't got many friends! Everyday lies include:


'That was a lovely meal'


'You've had your hair done, it really suits you'


'We should do this more often'


'Sorry, I've made other plans'


Anyway - how can we believe this report?


I don't mean what people call 'white lies', harmless lies; I mean dirty, insidious, sneaky lies. The kind that ruin lives and break hearts.

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I agree with shaz. It's getting to be a habit :)


Some men lie all of the time, all men lie some of the time, but all men don't lie all of the time. All the women I know will lie, but usually about really trivial stuff, white lies, and usually to prevent hurt feelings. Men usually lie about really important stuff, even when they don't need to. As they say, you can usually tell when a man is lying, it's whenever his lips are moving :D


So I agree with the poll findings.


Completely true.


'Oh your baby is beautiful!' is not a lie on the same level as 'No, I swear I didn't have sex with anybody else last night.' :roll:

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I've edited Rubydazzler's post for accuracy and neutrality :-)


Some people lie all of the time, all people lie some of the time, but all people don't lie all of the time. All the people I know will lie, but usually about really trivial stuff, white lies, and usually to prevent hurt feelings. Some people lie about really important stuff, even when they don't need to. As they say, you can't usually tell when a person is lying unless they want you to, otherwise there would be no point.

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I've known two big fat liars in my life; one male and one female, so thats 50/50 in my experience.


I hate liars more than anything.


I also hate being accused of being one, by one, when I'm not. :rant:


What,more than paedophiles and rapists?

You bloody liar!:hihi:

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It depends on whether or not the person you are lying to cares about the answer, surely?


Yes, of course. The point I was trying to make is that when I say 'liar' I don't mean someone who lies sometimes, because as you said, everybody lies, but I wouldn't call everybody a liar. By 'liar' I mean those rotten people who lie all the time, about important things. Someone complementing you on a hideous hairdo isn't going to ruin your life if you find out they didn't mean the compliment.

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Yes, of course. The point I was trying to make is that when I say 'liar' I don't mean someone who lies sometimes, because as you said, everybody lies, but I wouldn't call everybody a liar. By 'liar' I mean those rotten people who lie all the time, about important things. Someone complementing you on a hideous hairdo isn't going to ruin your life if you find out they didn't mean the compliment.
shaz, are you still wearing tenas 24/7? :D
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What,more than paedophiles and rapists?

You bloody liar!:hihi:


Har har... I knew someone would come back at me with that. Must you be so predictable? :hihi:


I mean in everyday life. I, luckily, haven't come across any paedoes or rapists, so they haven't affected my life, whereas liars have changed me and my life in irreversible ways. That's why I vehemently abhor them.

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I've edited Rubydazzler's post for accuracy and neutrality :-)
How can anyone be neutral on a thread where the topic is "Men are bigger liars than women", says poll ? :confused:


And please don't copy my (or anyone's) posts and alter them so much that they lose all credibility and relevance to the topic under discussion, thank you.


Just to reiterate. I think most men are massive liars about really serious and important things, and most women are liars about silly, unimportant things. I agree with the poll findings.

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