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Crossfit training in Sheffield..any venues/affiliates?

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Does anyone know of a decent Crossfit training venue/group in Sheffield?

Usual Gyms/Spaces dont really lend thmselves to it (and my garage is too small!!).


Would really appreciate it if anyone knows of any decent training venues(indoor or outdoor!)within Sheff,and if there are any affiliates in the area.



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No mate - nearest affiliate is over at Manchester. They occasionally hold the Level 1 Trainer Cert there, but it's not cheap ($1000). I'd recommend you start getting some equipment together yourself, starting with:


Gym rings

Parallettes (see the cf website and get stuff from Wickes)

Make a medicine ball from basket ball and sand

Crossfit Journal Subscription

Some weights


If you have a look on the crossfit forums there's a lot of stuff about homemade gym equipment.

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Many thanks!


Been training using the site and WOD since about Sept and notice big differences in the results,Still get funny looks from my local Gym, and frustrated with the waiting for kit (normally while people have a chat or send a text!)And as a result have to tweak the workouts slightly.


Looks like I`m going to have to get medievil and invest in some rope ,scaffolding and welding kit!



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  • 4 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys,


Im a keen Crossfitter and just completed the Level 1 Cert in London. Im probably coming to Sheffield for work in Dec for two months and looking for a crossfit box and garage gym where I can get amongst it proper. Conventional gyms now to me are more frustrating than helpful. Do you know any boxing or MMA, BJJ training places? they normally do crossfit style strength trg sessions. Alternatively, Where do you guys train? I can perhaps meet up and do WOD's from the main site or we can modify to our environment (aka machine filled, isolated movements pieces of crap)



Hope this forum is helpful to get a Crossit box goin and the like minded nutters band together. Group training is so much better than solo efforts.


I usually make up my own variant from the main site and text my score with other comrades throught southern england to compare


This is also useful.


Check out UK Crossfitters on Facebook....


Mick Hanlon

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think this needs to be a goer!


It would be good to hear from anyone who has a space that lends itself, at the moment I am resorting to hanging from trees and climbing frames in various Parks!!(now with a headtorch on!!)


There is a following but its more about pulling it all together and getting into a space.....have trawled the net for locations around the city(even the no frills gym approach with a bit of space and a willing owner!)but it looks a bit lean!!


Spread the word...Crossfit Sheffield is looking for a home!!

The bottom end of Graves Park has some dips and pull up bars and plenty if hills(thats if you can avoid the smashed glass!!)...but unless you take some of your own kit it can be pretty limited and nothing like what needs to be on offer....somewhere in sheffield!!


Can anyone help??

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