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Why do kids repeat the most annoying tv ads!

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You know the ones, go compare, we buy any car.com and the plenty kitchen towel ad to name a few....and also dance and sing etc!




In answer to your question Lauren, it is because advertiser design them that way.

They know that certain types of adverts will stick in children and adults minds a like, that way the advertiser has a better chance that you will recall their product the next time you are down your local supermarket.


I've seen this method work myself, where a dad and his daughter stroll down the toilet roll aisle of the local supermarket, when the child starts reciting the words of a famous toilet roll advert.

My niece and nephews often do this too.


It also means free advertising for the brands every time a thread like this is started, you yourself Lauren have just given free advertising to 3 brands!

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A million housewives every day

Pick up a tin of beans and say


Speaking of Heinz Baked Beans adverts, can anyone remember the one where is was set on a dark stage with a single spotlight....there are a stack of baked bean tins stacked on top of each other, then a young boy comes on the stage and huffs and puffs trying to pick them up....he then picks them up from the top, sticks them under his arm and walks off stage (they're glued together)..


God knows why, but that advert has stuck in my mind from being a kid!

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I can recommend buying a PVR


I record everything I want to watch and watch it when I want and when the ad breaks come on mine has a nice little button that lets me skip forward in 15 second jumps and another to skip back in 7 second jumps (I set the sizes) so a couple of clicks on one button and maybe one on the other and I'm back in the program again


occasionally when I jump through like this I spot an intriguing image and then I might watch the advert to see what it's about but it's very rare I even see adverts these days


I'd far rather have Howard back, than those numpties pretending to run a radio station...


yes I prefer howard to the numpty crew as well, but I still want to take a baseball bat to Howard


why can't we have ads like the classic ads such as the old hamlet ad now banned because you can't advertise smoking or the leonard rossiter/joan collins cinzano ads or the gold blend coffee mini soap opera ad


they were worth watching

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These adverts are purposefully created to be annoying, it gets people to notice them and talk about them ... just like people in this thread are doing. It is a very old marketing trick and it is working, as this thread demonstrates.

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These adverts are purposefully created to be annoying, it gets people to notice them and talk about them ... just like people in this thread are doing. It is a very old marketing trick and it is working, as this thread demonstrates.


Yep, tv ads are now designed to either have a catchy tune or be annoying or both so that they get discussed in threads like this.


Threads about "annoying" adverts are probably amongst the most common and recurring topic, not just on this forum but over the whole internet community.


I've yet to find any threads about the "annoying adverts" that fails to give several brands some nice free advertising, and this one is no exception!:)

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Yep, tv ads are now designed to either have a catchy tune or be annoying or both so that they get discussed in threads like this.


Threads about "annoying" adverts are probably amongst the most common and recurring topic, not just on this forum but over the whole internet community.


I've yet to find any threads about the "annoying adverts" that fails to give several brands some nice free advertising, and this one is no exception!:)


No such thing as bad publicity? You mean ... if I mention the ad that I really hate, they benefit anyway? D'oh ... but it's annoying me so much, I gotta tell someone ... restraint, restraint ... can't do it sorry ... I just wanna smack their smug faces ...

... "everyday we help millions of customers get where they want to be in life". Really? :rant: must close the account I already have with them ... nope too lazy.
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anyone remember the original ad that had the following line


"it looks good, it tastes good and by golly it does you good"


I still have this particular product from time to time

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