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So will the tories repeal the Human Rights Act?

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Parliament has the right to change constitutional issues, thus they could exit the EU, end their treaty obligations, repeal the human rights act and so on. It also appears that the 1949 act is in dispute amongst a few academics, some of whom believe it to be unconstitutional, but as it's never been challenged it stands.


the hra is a result of our obligations under the european convention on human rights which is totally separate from any obligations relating to the eu and whether or not we are in the eu is, in this case, irrelevant


if the hra was repealed we would return to the situation that existed prior to when it was passed which is that instead of pursuing matters through the uk courts we would have to go directly to the court in strasbourg


the echr was largely written by british lawyers after the second world war as a result of the horrors perpetrated by the nazi government and pretty much codifies the rights and freedoms that uk citizens have had for hundreds of years

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The Human Rights Act is too easily abused and the Conservatives-in their manifesto, promised to replace it with a "British Bill of Rights" that would still protect fundamental liberties but would be harder to use inappropriately.


But it seems the plan may be put on the back-burner, aparently a "victim of the coalition" with the Libdems :roll:


How long before the inevitable disquiet from Tory backbenchers when another equaly inevitable example of the HRA being abused arises?


I suspect there will be many a hollow Tory promise that will be 'put on the backburner' and blamed on the coalition. How convenient.:suspect:

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what about that joker in the papers today a terrorist and hes claiming it would be a breach of his human rights if he is to be sent back to pakistan.

I mean who gives a **** about some dirty terrorist rights, do they think he gives a crap about the people and their families just b4 he blows them up.

this country is weak, and they know, someone messes with us, we should destroy them,or they will keep doing it. Britain get some balls

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what about that joker in the papers today a terrorist and hes claiming it would be a breach of his human rights if he is to be sent back to pakistan.

I mean who gives a **** about some dirty terrorist rights, do they think he gives a crap about the people and their families just b4 he blows them up.

this country is weak, and they know, someone messes with us, we should destroy them,or they will keep doing it. Britain get some balls


what about him?


british courts have always been reluctant to send people back to a regime where there was a high probability of torture and/or execution


the hra has just provided a legal basis for this policy and even without the hra the subjects would be able to take the case the the strasbourg court.


anyway, would you rather this person was roaming around the world getting up to who knows what, or be under supervision here

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the hra is a result of our obligations under the european convention on human rights which is totally separate from any obligations relating to the eu and whether or not we are in the eu is, in this case, irrelevant


if the hra was repealed we would return to the situation that existed prior to when it was passed which is that instead of pursuing matters through the uk courts we would have to go directly to the court in strasbourg


the echr was largely written by british lawyers after the second world war as a result of the horrors perpetrated by the nazi government and pretty much codifies the rights and freedoms that uk citizens have had for hundreds of years


I wasn't suggesting that we should repeal it, just that we could.

We could of course end any international agreement that we are currently party to, including the echr and we could remove the right for our citizens to appeal to the ECoHR. We won't, I don't think we should, I'm just arguing that we could.

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