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THOSE propaganda facebook status updates!!

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my facebook home page was full of that so just had a mass 'hiding session' the ones that really get me though are the 'its son week if you have a son that is your world post this' now going by some friends posts this week is son,daughter,mother,father,cancer, stop smoking, depession, cot death week how exhausting and alo boring!

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Would that also apply to the label stating made in China? Surely that is more blatantly advertising than the word England.


I think the "made in.." labels are legally required. Maybe they're not allowed to be more than so big, or something.


It's a silly rule, but some places have been forced to take down flags because of it in the past. Plain flags are okay, though.

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Ever thought about doing a mickey-take of a status update by way of retort. For example, here's one that I had up as a FB status update last week


Please put this as your status if you know or are related to someone killed on the Death Star. My wish for 2010 is that people will understand that the Rebel Alliance is a band of terrorist scum. The Empire only wants to bring peace to the galaxy but these rebels continue to kill our brave brothers in white. 93% won't ...copy...and paste this. Will you make this your status for one day?


Now that's my kind of status update!

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