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Liberal Democracy in action

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Can you back up your words? It is your opinion with no basis of fact behind what you say. At least what I have said is in the public domain.


What hole have you been living in deary.


Although it urkes me to say this Cyclone is ABSOLUTELY and UTTERLY CORRECT.


Seems to me you're another labour party hack still seething about being shown the door.

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One I'd like to see removed is where someone accused of a crime against children can be found not guilty in the crown court, but then have to go to family court and have it declared 'a probability'.


Which means they then face the same result as if they'ed been found guilty in the crown court.

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I haven't insulted you, I've countered your claims made an assessment of your intelligence and asked you to actually address the topic in question.

If you want to rail against the legitimacy of government then get your own thread.


You might want to refer back to your last line in post 5

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You might want to refer back to your last line in post 5


Cyclone's comment there is merely common sense - anyone who says they want it to be illegal for MP's to be able to influence anything or anyone is clearly a halfwit.

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We have an unelected PM.


Just like last month then.


only to an extent. THe majority may have voted for the Lib Dems or the Torys but very few people voted for the Lib Dems and the tories.


I actually voted LibDem hoping for a hung parliament/coalition. I really didn't care who the LibDems aligned themselves with, providing the stuck to their election promise of trying to work with the party that held the most seats (which they did).

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