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Liberal Democracy in action

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I'd like to see the removal of laws that allow business owners to declare bankruptcy leaving thousands owed money and then open up another business with a similar name with the same stock. Plus, I'd like to see either the end of limited liability or an amendment to the law which allows a claim on the company owners' property when the company goes tits up.


End limited liability and you destroy the stock market and investment in the UK. Who do you think would buy shares in a company if they could not just loose the investment they made, but could become liable for the debts that might be incurred. I don't think you really understood the affect of what you are suggesting.



Directors that declare bankruptcy for a company though should be immediately barred from directing any other company for a fixed time as they've obviously made mistakes.


I disagree. The present system works fine - most of the time. There are regulatory and investigative powers in place also and liquidators are required to submit a report on the directors behaviour to Companies House in any case who can then decide on any sanction or legal action which can be criminal or civil.


I'm not sure what an automated robot system would achieve apart from stopping a lot of business and eliminating jobs, investment, innovation and wealth generation.

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Can we have the same with politicians property?


I know business owners that have lost their house and everything that they own due to Labour but I'm guessing that you won't be keen on handing over your house as the chairman of the local Labour Party?


I suggest we nominate this as the most ridiculous post of the year. ;)

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Can we have the same with politicians property?


I know business owners that have lost their house and everything that they own due to Labour but I'm guessing that you won't be keen on handing over your house as the chairman of the local Labour Party?


Indeed Tony.


I remember the chairman of Intake ward who prepared meticulously all his finances so that he didn't have a bean to his name long before the rate capping issue of the early eighties.


He happend to be the most vociferous voise in group calling others traitors for not backing him and his cabal on setting an 'unbalanced' budget. They would of course lost everything and been made bankrupt while he was warm and toasty working for Thatcher as a G3.

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Can we have the same with politicians property?


I know business owners that have lost their house and everything that they own due to Labour but I'm guessing that you won't be keen on handing over your house as the chairman of the local Labour Party?


And of course no business ever went bust under a Tory government :rolleyes:


Like you keep telling people about Thatcher Tony, time to move on.

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I disagree. The present system works fine - most of the time. There are regulatory and investigative powers in place also and liquidators are required to submit a report on the directors behaviour to Companies House in any case who can then decide on any sanction or legal action which can be criminal or civil.


I'm not sure what an automated robot system would achieve apart from stopping a lot of business and eliminating jobs, investment, innovation and wealth generation.


It certainly doesn't, there are numerous reports of directors starting company after company, selling the assets forward cheaply whilst leaving the debtors behind with no recourse.

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You could at least do me the courtesy of referencing the post to which that was a response before sarcastically suggesting that I 'move on'.


Hi Tony


Given you've done over 300 posts in the last 3 weeks or so it isn't that easy by the "view all Tony's posts" linky thing.


Life is too short to do numerous forum searches based on combinations of "Tony" + "Thatcher" + "Move On". I do recall a couple but put my hands up I can't evidence it.


Back to your point about people being able to make government "personally liable" when they've lost a business - point I was making is that 1,000's lose businesses regardless of the party in power.


Being able to claim against individual MP's, parties etc would simply mean IMHO that we'd never have elected representatives - or that the premiums for liabilty insurance (and therefore MP's pay) would go through the roof - kinda self defeating.





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