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The UK national debt clock

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Scrap sections of the human rights act.


'Outsource' (nice buzz word) serious and long term prisoners to Thailand, and pay them 10k per prisoner (a saving of 30k per prisoner). House half of UK prisoners, and that's a saving of at least 3 bill.


Scrap working tax credits.


And national min wage, and let the market decide.


Scrap all non-disabled benefits to people who are unemployed for more than 2 years [who are capable of working]. If they turn to crime, then house them in all the new free spaces provided by the outsourcing of serious offenders.


Scrap the NHS. That 110 billion saved in itself.


Have a proper national insurance scheme where people who pay, or are retired and have paid, get treated, the rest have to go to teaching hospitals where trainee doctors treat them under the supervision of experts, both of which are paid for by the gov.


Revoke all [or most] drug laws and save the police force and justice system billions of pounds of wasted money chasing petty cash thieves, for the sake of a few drug lords who are creaming an industry that shouldn't exist.


Lower tax rates to allow people to earn 10k (in today's money) without tax, to encourage people into work that 'apparently no one wants', only them t'foreigners.


Improve health by allowing free bananas and apples to everyone. :);)

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Nice one.


The reason I asked was because I found this, and wondered if any of the economists on here could enlighten us as to how exactly it works.




It works as long as those lending the money are convinced that they will get it back and the country borrowing the money is capable of paying the interest on the loans, sustaining a viable infrastructure as well as eventually paying back the loan.

So the UKs debt is increasing at the rate of £170 billion per year and the last Government had budgeted for pretty similar increases for the next 3 years, taking the debt way above 80%.

So as the lenders get more nervous they demand higher rates of return on the loan which just adds to the debt.


Just to put things in some sort of perspective our total tax revenue in the UK is around £350 billion per annum, and our current spending is around £520 billion, so the debt is currently mounting at the rate of 50% of our tax revenue each year. I would love one of those Labour supporters out there to explain just how we can ...


1..Cut spending by £170 billion so our economy is in balance.

2..Pay back the £1.4 trillion we CURRENTLY owe (lets say over 20 years at £70 billion per year).

3..Pay £35 billion per year in interest payments on our borrowing.

4.. Run the NHS, armed forces, social services etc on what is left from the £350 annual tax collected.


Because those are the questions that the credit rating agencies want answering before they renew our AAA credit worthiness rating.


Greece apparently gave the wrong answers.

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I'm not going to wast my time when we have chairman of labour party constituency who fail to see what they propose would shut the ecconomy down full stop.


Or perhaps you can't - some of us don't find what usually passes for economics on SF "too complicated for lay people".


Put up or shut up.

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Scrap sections of the human rights act.


'Outsource' (nice buzz word) serious and long term prisoners to Thailand, and pay them 10k per prisoner (a saving of 30k per prisoner). House half of UK prisoners, and that's a saving of at least 3 bill.


Scrap working tax credits.


And national min wage, and let the market decide.


Scrap all non-disabled benefits to people who are unemployed for more than 2 years [who are capable of working]. If they turn to crime, then house them in all the new free spaces provided by the outsourcing of serious offenders.


Scrap the NHS. That 110 billion saved in itself.


Have a proper national insurance scheme where people who pay, or are retired and have paid, get treated, the rest have to go to teaching hospitals where trainee doctors treat them under the supervision of experts, both of which are paid for by the gov.


Revoke all [or most] drug laws and save the police force and justice system billions of pounds of wasted money chasing petty cash thieves, for the sake of a few drug lords who are creaming an industry that shouldn't exist.


Lower tax rates to allow people to earn 10k (in today's money) without tax, to encourage people into work that 'apparently no one wants', only them t'foreigners.


Improve health by allowing free bananas and apples to everyone. :);)


Hi Ash,

Just having a nosey around SF and stumbled upon you.

Guess what, I'm moving back up to Sheff in August Hooray.


There's definately something in your last statement re free fruit. We should absolutely be planting fruit trees in proliforation. We have a perfect climate for it and a lot of areas to grow them. We should be lining roadsides, all schools should have their own orchard areas. Parks and playgrounds etc. It's crazy that we're not doing this aleady.

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Scrap sections of the human rights act.


'Outsource' (nice buzz word) serious and long term prisoners to Thailand, and pay them 10k per prisoner (a saving of 30k per prisoner). House half of UK prisoners, and that's a saving of at least 3 bill.


Scrap working tax credits.


And national min wage, and let the market decide.


Scrap all non-disabled benefits to people who are unemployed for more than 2 years [who are capable of working]. If they turn to crime, then house them in all the new free spaces provided by the outsourcing of serious offenders.


Scrap the NHS. That 110 billion saved in itself.


Have a proper national insurance scheme where people who pay, or are retired and have paid, get treated, the rest have to go to teaching hospitals where trainee doctors treat them under the supervision of experts, both of which are paid for by the gov.


Revoke all [or most] drug laws and save the police force and justice system billions of pounds of wasted money chasing petty cash thieves, for the sake of a few drug lords who are creaming an industry that shouldn't exist.


Lower tax rates to allow people to earn 10k (in today's money) without tax, to encourage people into work that 'apparently no one wants', only them t'foreigners.


Improve health by allowing free bananas and apples to everyone. :);)


Basically you propose turning back the clock to the 19th Century? :suspect:

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