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Diane Abbott to stand for Labour leadership

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"The Londoner told the BBC her bid was "serious", saying there was little between the other candidates, who "all look the same"." - quote from the article.


Well she sure doesn't look the same....but don't let that fool you. She was elected way back when because she didn't look the same....and by people who look the same as her....BUT she is nothing like those people. She is well off, middle class, well educated - and her own children are in private education.


She might not look the same....but beneath the exterior she is just the same....bang on type for all the politicians that represent us that haven't a bloody clue what it is like to live in poverty in run down council estates....or be ill and be on a lengthy NHS waiting list.....or be battling to find a school place for our children.....or be old and needing help but home helps cost....or the disabled who need better access to public places...or small vulnerable children who are constantly let down by social services (they pay with their lives).....the list is endless.


Don't be fooled.

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The Londoner told the BBC her bid was "serious", saying there was little between the other candidates, who "all look the same".


Tut tut. If the colours were reversed there'd be cries of racism! Do we Caucasians all look alike? :)


Personally I think she's the best of a bland lot so far. A vote for Burnham is a vote for a Northern Boris Johnson (and not in the funny good way but an incompetent buffoon way.)

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