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Diane Abbott to stand for Labour leadership

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Andrew Neil as Minister for Really Accurate Information and Opinions?


They just need Eric 'Voice of a Bond Baddie' Pickles to join the mix and they have at least 3 of the Deadly Sins-Sloth, Pride & Gluttony.

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A champagne socialist is a derogatory label for a person who vocally and ideologically expresses support for democratic or radical socialist beliefs, but lives a lifestyle that contradicts these values.




When Prime Minister Tony Blair sent his eldest son, Euan, to the London Oratory, a selective school, she criticised him, saying people voted Labour because they believed in equality.


And when Solicitor General Harriet Harman sent her son to a selective grammar school in Orpington, Kent, Ms Abbott said: "She made the Labour Party look as if we do one thing and say another."


Now, can anyone tell me if "highly principled" Diane Abbott sends her children to private school. The answer is here.


Her decision to send her son to the private £10,000 a year City of London School, which she herself described as "indefensible" and "intellectually incoherent", caused controversy and was seen by many as hypocritical not least because she had previously criticised Tony Blair and Harriet Harman for sending their children to selective state schools. It later emerged that Abbott had in fact applied to a total of three separate private schools for her son, and thus had no intention of sending him to a state school. Fellow Hackney Labour MP Brian Sedgemore condemned Abbott for the "hurt and harm she had caused to local people in Hackney" who didn't have the means to make a similar choice, suggesting that Abbott would "never be taken seriously again".
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it's called the Tony Benn Futile Gesture Leftwing Leadership Bid they changed the rules to avoid.


You can make a case for Benn's 1988 leadership challenge being unrealistic (not that it was ever expected to be anything other then a focus through which the left could raise their profile). The 1981 deputy leadership campaign, however, was altogether different and but for the abstention of Kinnock and the group around him, would almost certainly have been successful.

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Tut tut. If the colours were reversed there'd be cries of racism! Do we Caucasians all look alike? :)


Personally I think she's the best of a bland lot so far. A vote for Burnham is a vote for a Northern Boris Johnson (and not in the funny good way but an incompetent buffoon way.)


She's not wrong, two of them definately look alike, they could almost be brothers.

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"The Londoner told the BBC her bid was "serious", saying there was little between the other candidates, who "all look the same"." - quote from the article.


Well she sure doesn't look the same....but don't let that fool you. She was elected way back when because she didn't look the same....and by people who look the same as her....BUT she is nothing like those people. She is well off, middle class, well educated - and her own children are in private education.


She might not look the same....but beneath the exterior she is just the same....bang on type for all the politicians that represent us that haven't a bloody clue what it is like to live in poverty in run down council estates....or be ill and be on a lengthy NHS waiting list.....or be battling to find a school place for our children.....or be old and needing help but home helps cost....or the disabled who need better access to public places...or small vulnerable children who are constantly let down by social services (they pay with their lives).....the list is endless.


Don't be fooled.


She's a vile, vile woman.

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