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Diane Abbott to stand for Labour leadership

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diane would be good, certainly better than the alternatives
We need much higher calibre people to lead us out of this socialist mess up than Balls and Abbott etc.The socialists have had 13 years to progress their eternal 10 year plans to fruition and failed .We have all become victims of massive overspending and borrowings which will take years to recover.Diane Abbott for Labour leadership speaks volumes about typical Labour supporters.............unless this thread is a joke!
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OK but isn't it a bit far fetched for Labour to chuck out a sitting MP in a safe seat to get Mandy elected on the off chance that he would win a leadership contest?

I'll have a pint of whatever you've been drinking.

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We await to see if Diane Abbott can actually obtain the requisite number of Labour MP nominations to allow her name on the ballot paper. That also applies to a number of other potential candidates.


I suspect there may be a degree of kite flying going on at the moment.

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Davey-Boy Miliband's got it in the bag surely?!




I recall that not too long ago a certain candidate for the Tory leadership, i.e., David Davies, had apparently "got it in the bag" - until David Cameroon made a conference speech. The rest is history.


We will have several months of the leadership campaign, which will hopefully expose the ability of the potential leaders. I will probably make my mind up who I will vote for when I actually come to put my cross on my ballot paper.

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She might not look the same....but beneath the exterior she is just the same....bang on type for all the politicians that represent us that haven't a bloody clue what it is like to live in poverty in run down council estates....or be ill and be on a lengthy NHS waiting list.....or be battling to find a school place for our children.....or be old and needing help but home helps cost....or the disabled who need better access to public places...or small vulnerable children who are constantly let down by social services (they pay with their lives).....the list is endless.


Don't be fooled.


Straight from the tap room its the cliche brigade. Have you ever visited the London Borough of Hackney? Walked past her house? I have many times and its tougher than anything Sheffield has to offer. She is in the thick of this and has a good reputation hence her vote.


Middle class? Of course she is on an MP's salary, would you prefer it if she pretentiously claimed to be working class?


Drop the tiresome "they're all the bleedin same (sups 8th pint)" cliches, they are deadly boring. There is variation and her vote and outspokeness proves it. Some on here call her a nutcase. Perhaps you would prefer an on message clonedrone? Do people expect MP's to be gods? Does anyone have a realistic alternative? Do her critics or the critics of any MP think they could get more votes? Independents stand in every constituency in every election. 99% fail and there is a reason for that. Facts not image or cliches please.

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