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WOMEN::: Keep your hand's off our tools !!

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Being a nice day today, I thought hmmm the lawn could do with a haircut. So extension in hand i tootle off down to MY shed to get MY mower out. I opened the door to be met by hundreds of really friendly black flies, all of which wanted to come and say hello to me :gag: there was also a really rank smell emminating from MY shed too ! :huh: Out with the fly spray and air freshener and I managed to dig MY lawnmower out.

Now last time the mower was used it was the wife who cut the grass as I had pulled a muscle in my shoulder, any-ho I plugged it in and away I went down the lawn. I must have got no more than 3 metres when the mower 'coughed' and spat out what looked like black thick porridge :gag: I turned the mower over and it was full of rotting grass and mould that the wife had left in it after cutting the grass. I now had the odious job of cleaning this fetid mass out of MY Mower. A carrier bag full of the stuff later and a trip to the loo to vomit and it was back in it's normal clean state. So ladies, please do not touch OUR tools and if you have to, at least have the decency to clean them after use, after all we dont go leaving YOUR cooker or washing machine in a mess do we ?? :heyhey::shakes:


I fully expect a tad of retalliation :D

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Now last time the mower was used it was the wife who cut the grass as I had pulled a muscle in my shoulder


Much as I hate to say it, looks like you have to take your share of the blame as you were obviously not supervising her closely enough!


Now if she'd mown the lawn without your knowledge, well that would be a different story!

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