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Pubs that have died

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At the age of 15 in 1969 whilst working at Davy's on Fargate I had my first ever pint of beer in the Foresters on Division Street. During the next six years until I went to live abroad I had visited what seems like masses of pubs in all type of areas either with mates, with bird or solo. When I returned in 1992 I noticed many of the pubs had disappeared or changed into bars, take-aways (take-outs) etc. My question to Sheffield Forummers is, how many can you name that have now gone since 1969 within a 30 minute brisk walk from Sheffield Town Hall? I have counted over 40. Remember, any direction Wicker, Hyde Park, Park Hill, London Road, City Centre, Shalesmoor and so forth.

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Well, to start the ball rolling ... the Albert Inn at the top of Cambridge Street, the Saddle on West Street, the Elephant Inn at the bottom of Norfolk Street, the original Golden Ball (Townhead Street), the Gaiety Vaults in West Bar and the Midland Hotel, Spital Hill.

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Minerva, Roebuck, Nelson, Nell 's Bar, Barleycorn, Sportsman,Albert, Foresters, Red Lion, 1 on Burgess St. , 1 on Cross Burgess Street , 2 more on Division St, Raven, Saddle, Red Deer, 3 or 4 more on West St, Golden Ball, Dove & Rainbow, 2 on Bank St. / Queen St, Brunswick, 2 on Dixon Lane, Elephant, 1 more in Fitzalan Square, Old Blue Bell, Mulberry, Stone House, Queen's Head, Adelphi, 1 at end of Paternoster Row, 2 or 3 round Broad Street / market area, about 6 on the Wicker, 1 at top of Commercial St. ..........sorry, can 't remember all the names but they were CERTAINLY there, unless I was so kettled in those days I was seeing double !


As the O.P. says-----at least 40------perhaps nearer 50 or 60 ? There were lots in the Broomhall area and the London Road / Bramall Lane region. Too many to visit in one day, that 's for sure ! [ But we tried ! ].

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fareast, the roebuck is quite definitely still there, and the Nelson, at Moorhead is still in existence, albeit in a concrete brutalist 1960's incarnation. The Red Deer, on Pitt Street, is certainly still in existence.


The Foresters is now "Olive" bar.


The original saddle is no more, but the "new" Saddle is still there, but I forget what it's now called.


The old Blue bell is now called "Cavells".



On the wicker, the Brown Cow was demolished for the new road.


there doesn't seem to be much activity in the Station or the Viaduct pubs. The Lady's Bridge is now a residential hotel/ bed and breakfast place. The Harlequin was demolished, but the name was transferred round the corner to the Manchester Arms for some weird reason.

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I 'm sorry Plaintalker-----I was in a rush & didn 't read the O.P. 's post properly [ Apologies to O.P. too ! ]


I thought I had to try & name pubs that are there now. So, it is sad to know that at least 40 have now disappeared from near the city centre. That was one of the advantages of drinking in the 50 's, 60 's & 70 's-----there was plenty of opportunity for a ' quick change ' of venue, if one felt a bit bored in one pub, at any given time. [ One on every corner, so to speak ]. There seemed to be plenty of eccentric Landlords & Landladies around then, too [ not to mention eccentric customers ! ] and they gave the little pubs an added individuality.


Not much chance that that scene will return any time soon-----more 's the pity !

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Royal Oak,Solly Street, Queens Scotland Street,Meadow Meadow Street,Talbot Hoyle Street,Nags Head Shalesmoor, Lancers Penistone Road White Horse and The Dennison Malinda Street Moseley West Bar, Blue Boar West Bar, Dragon Infirmary Road? or was it Portland Place, The Barrel Broad Lane and The Albion Upper Allen street

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When did the Matilda Tavern close? I dont mean 'The Matilda' music venue building but the pub on the opposite side of the road. When Ive been in that area doing my abandoned buildings project (loads of new photos still to be uploaded!), it looks like it has been closed decades.


What were the other pubs within the Park Hill flats complex? Ive been round there quite a bit during redevelopment and there is a boarded-up pub inside - Parkway Tavern but when did it close? Wasnt there also a pub on the edge of the complex on the road that takes you down to Park Square roundabout?

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