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Pubs that have died

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Sad old thread this. Anybody remind me the proper name of the pub known as the 'Cowsheds?' It was somewhere near the bottom of Duke St, I think. Also, anybody remember the 'Athol' ( or was it the 'Angel') at the top of the Moor? Although I dont think it was actually on the Moor, it was on a narrow little lane which branched off, but the buildings on the left of the lane didn't exist, having been flattened in the 'blitz'. Fascinating pub though, you could go in thro' the big yard which must've been for horse drawn traffic at some time or other.

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The Brunswick opposite the top of Dixon Lane, also another pub on Dixon Lane which has been long gone is the Rock Tavern.

Also the penthouse night club at the top and barrow boys round the corner at the bottom.


Had many a good night in the Brunswick on a Saturday with the sing along . Some terrible singers but it was a great atmosphere.

Used to use the Rock too. It was only a small pub but ideal for a quiet pint

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I remember the one that Texas mentioned [ post 21 ]. Button Lane used to start from the very top of The Moor, at its junction with Cambdridge Street. The entrance to the pub, was on Button Lane, and, as he says, you went through a sort of archway, and it looked very Dickensian [ probably was ! ]. The pub faced across The Moor, looking roughly towards where Redgates was situated later. I 've forgotten the name of the pub [ and never went in ] but I THINK it had ' Angel ' in the name ? Incidentally, there was another big ruin of a pub, almost a mirror image of the Nelson, still standing, sealed off, in 1960, where Redgates.....etc.....was built. It had been bombed out in the war and I think was called The Grapes ? Memory is fading now.......too much beer !

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Hi Fareast - the beer can't have affected your memory too much as you got both pub names right!.:) This photo on picturesheffield.com shows the Angel Inn with its archway, at 18-22 Button Lane, and this this one shows part of the Grapes Hotel at the far left, looking across to the Angel. Here is a scan from the 1942 Kelly's Directory showing the occupants of Button Lane. The Grapes Hotel was, as you say, destroyed in the Blitz and doesn't feature in the 1942 directory. What was left of it can be seen in this photo with Button Lane at the upper left.

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Thanks Crookesey and Hillsbro


Hillsbro- interesting view of Crimean War Memorial indicating its height. Should be able to find a place for this in the city surely? There is a seperate thread - for this- mod -should my post be moved there ?





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Thanks, Hillsbro, for the confirmation ! I could fairly clearly remember The Grapes name, but not so sure about The Angel. Your pictures show quite clearly what a whacking The Moor took in the blitz ! Not a lot of it was left standing, really !


On the photograph of the Angel pub, you can just see the bottom of that lane, ' Backfields ' that used to run up the side of the Hippodrome. In fact the entrance to the ' Gods ' at the old Hippo was on Backfields [ I think it was nine old pence to get in, in the early 1950 's ].


Plenty of old, interesting pubs, plenty of cinemas------and the streets were fairly safe then, apart from the odd German bomb, of course.

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