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Pubs that have died

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...Hecate, I presume the pub was left untouched (Indeed it looks the same as it did 30 years ago, give or take a weed or two in the beer garden area) because it was not owned by the council, rather, being owned by the brewery.

Yes, I would think so. A line was clearly drawn between the Walk and the pub (you get a better view of it from the front). If the ramp wasn't needed for access to the newly-enclosed landing, it might have come down (though perhaps not, as that would presumably have involved a fair bit of expenditure too).


I remember the only new post-renovation addition to the pub (the exterior, anyway) was a wooden fence added to the existing concrete wall that surrounded the beer garden. You can still see the broken-down remnants in the Google Maps image, if you scroll down the hill a bit.


ETA: and if you scroll down to just the right spot, you get a later image of the pub with all the trees and bushes removed, and a glimpse of the old glass bricks. I wonder what it looks like now.


Did you live there Hectate and if so when? I lived there from 76 to 81 but my Mum was there from 76 to 87.

No, not on the Walk; but I did live and go to school in S2 in the 70s and 80s, and I knew that area well.

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The question that I'd like to ask is why have all these pubs died? And please, I'm not asking for a discussion about smoking in pubs. From what I can gather many of these pubs died long before the smoking restrictions came into play.


Have peoples' tastes changed over the years? Do they prefer to go to restaurants, bistros, shows? What do people, especially the younger set, do instead of going to pubs?


Over here they tend to go to bars that also sell food and offer entertainment.


The neighborhood pub has always been a British tradition. Seems like it's disappearing.


lots of reasons Rog


far more competition for our leisure time.

cheaper booze from supermarkets

less people drinking due to health concerns?

getting more and more expensive to run pubs

and yes the smoking ban also rears its ugly head a bit too

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