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International Development Budget protected - should it be?

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Of all the Government departments facing big cuts in their budgets, the International Development budget isn't one of them, it's one of the protected budgets. Is this right, to be sending money abroad, sometimes to very dubious and corrupt places, where large amounts disappear as "skim", or places that have very contradictory values to our own, whilst public sector workers in the UK are losing their jobs?


Sometimes I think, no matter how bad it is here (the economy etc) it is always going to be far worse in poor third world places, but then I think a lost job can mean a repossessed house, repossessed house and bankrupcy can mean a broken family.


I'm all for foreign aid when times are good, but times are not good. Charity should start at home. The International Development budget should be cut just like all the other budgets are being cut, and increased again when the economy has fully recovered.

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Some figures would help. What percentage of our existing budget was going on international development, and what percentage will it be after the budget cuts?


I don't have any figures, but I do know it was the one of the areas of spending that all parties pledged to protect. I suppose relative to the other departmental budgets, the percentage spent on International Development will be going up as all the other budgets bar health and education are cut.

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It should be srcapped all together.


Its a throw back to imperialisum, the one last vestage of controle over the 'darky'.


But a suppose its better than the other method the trendy wendy's use of first bombing your 'darky' then invading them, lol.


Whitety need to get out of africa and leave them to have their own self determination.

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Some figures would help. What percentage of our existing budget was going on international development, and what percentage will it be after the budget cuts?


According to my handy chart £5.2bn from a total Gvt budget of £620bn in 08/09.


Roughly the same as spending on student loans.

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Hardly worth an argument and I cannot vouch for the accuracy of my stat's provided from research from the Guardian of all Gvt spend and it is possible that the Dpt of International Development may not carry all the overseas expenditure which may be dealt with by other interests.

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