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Home Secretary changes her mind on Gay adoption

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I suspect this may well be the first example of many Tory and Libdem MP’s changing their minds over the next few months, but this is beauty to start with.


The Home Secretary Theresa May appeared on Question Time Thursday night, apparently she has historically voted against Gay adoptions.


Well now she has changed here mind and her reasoning is as follows:


"On gay adoption I have changed my mind... because I have been persuaded that when you are looking at the future for a child, I think it's better for a child who is perhaps in an institutional environment, if they have an opportunity of being in a stable, family environment - be that a heterosexual couple or a gay couple - then I think it's more important that that child is in that stable and loving environment and I have genuinely changed my mind on that."


Fair enough I understand people can change their mind, but how do you leap from it not being more important to have a child in a stable and loving family environment to it being more important.


Surely this has always been the case!


Has anyone else made this leap that could explain this to us, or is this woman a little bit odd and in a very dangerous position for someone holding the previously held views that have changed since she got her current position.



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Don't you think it's good that she's open enough to change her mind, and that in this case she's changed it to the more acceptable position?


We all know you hate this government because you didn't vote for them, but I hope you're not planning to spend a decade starting a thread every time one of them does something, particularly if it's a non event like this.

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it must be very worrying for the tories before the election they were all so sure they would be the majority party,they had all the grandior plans what they were going to change,how their policies would change the u.k. for ever,and now they have to grovel to the smug lib-dems,a party that lost ground under clegg who now walks about like god.and to think this will go on for many years to come as they have no opposition to worry about.

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2010 LD votes 6,827,938

2005 LD votes 5,981,874

2001 LD votes 4,814,321


No, they may have lost seats, but the LD were more popular than ever.


2010 Labour 8,604,358

2005 Labour 9,562,122

2001 Labour 10,724,953


2010 Conservative 10,683,787

2005 Conservative 8,772,598

2001 Conservative 8,357,615


In terms of numbers it's nearly a complete flip from the 2001 results when Labour had a large majority, but because of the non proportional system we have an unrepresentative result.

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Don't you think it's good that she's open enough to change her mind, and that in this case she's changed it to the more acceptable position?


We all know you hate this government because you didn't vote for them, but I hope you're not planning to spend a decade starting a thread every time one of them does something, particularly if it's a non event like this.


Like I indicated in my original post I have no problem with people changing their mind, in fact I will admit to thinking the Libdem leadership held certain principles prior to the election but now I don't so I have changed my mind myself.


I will admit to being suspicious at the timing of this sudden change, but we can put that down to it being co-incidence that it co-incides with her getting this new role.


What I am perplexed and concerned about is how she formed her initial thoughts on this subject and why she seems to have changed.


So I just wonder if anyone else has made the same journey and would be prepared to share it with us.


Regarding your general point, we've spent the last few years slating the previous government, do you believe the same rules should not be applied now?

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Like I indicated in my original post I have no problem with people changing their mind, in fact I will admit to thinking the Libdem leadership held certain principles prior to the election but now I don't so I have changed my mind myself.


I will admit to being suspicious at the timing of this sudden change, but we can put that down to it being co-incidence that it co-incides with her getting this new role.


What I am perplexed and concerned about is how she formed her initial thoughts on this subject and why she seems to have changed.


So I just wonder if anyone else has made the same journey and would be prepared to share it with us.


Regarding your general point, we've spent the last few years slating the previous government, do you believe the same rules should not be applied now?


Perhaps when this new government actually start governing (like after the Queen's Speech) might be a good time to start criticising their decisions. I'd like to think that more politicians have the courage of their convictions and feel they don't have to blindly follow party lines now we have a coalition. It might actually make for some sensible policies.


Theresa May has changed her mind - she said so on Question Time. I hope its a genuine change and not just lip service, but we'll have to wait and see.

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Politicians aren't allowed to change their minds, everyone knows that!


I'm glad she has the humility to admit that she was wrong. I agree that, ultimately, she probably felt that it was the right thing to do politically, but i'm still glad she has moved on from her earlier homophobia.

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Regarding your general point, we've spent the last few years slating the previous government, do you believe the same rules should not be applied now?




I'd be hard pressed to find a post where you criticise labour even tangentially.

By all means criticise the new administration, but try taking off your political blinkers if you want to be taken seriously.

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