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Home Secretary changes her mind on Gay adoption

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I don't see what's wrong with politicians changing their mind.


Do you think she is wrong to change her mind or are you a supporter of her old viewpoint on homosexuality?



I suspect that Titanic99 will have difficulty accepting or admitting that anything the coalition do, collectively or individually, might be right, good or admirable, just as nothing New Labour could do was wrong, bad or disreputable.


It would be nice if this was another sign that attempts were being made to turn a fresh page in politics, rather than political expediency.

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Politicians aren't allowed to change their minds, everyone knows that!


I'm glad she has the humility to admit that she was wrong. I agree that, ultimately, she probably felt that it was the right thing to do politically, but i'm still glad she has moved on from her earlier homophobia.



General I agree. Without considering the political aspect I'm a tad suspicious on her u-turn. I mean to go from homophobic to putting children in the care of homosexuals because she now believes...


"On gay adoption I have changed my mind... because I have been persuaded that when you are looking at the future for a child, I think it's better for a child who is perhaps in an institutional environment, if they have an opportunity of being in a stable, family environment - be that a heterosexual couple or a gay couple - then I think it's more important that that child is in that stable and loving environment and I have genuinely changed my mind on that."


Personally I believe that any child is better off in any loving relationship. The woman is obviously intelligent but how do you go from homophobic to pro-homosexuality because of the above reasons? Reasons which are as common sense as...the wheel?


If her position helps children and or the gay community all well and good...but her motives? She's a politician and that's good enough for me personally to cast doubt.


Home Secretary and in any way anti-gay just wouldn't smell right, now would it!

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I'd be hard pressed to find a post where you criticise labour even tangentially.


If such a post ever existed, I'd love to read it.


Perhaps Titanic99 can save us the bother and list his/her criticisms of the last Labour administration.

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If such a post ever existed, I'd love to read it.


Perhaps Titanic99 can save us the bother and list his/her criticisms of the last Labour administration.



I get your drift but that would be taking the topic of course?

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She's a politician you should expect U turns and lies from politician. I wouldn't put it passed her to have voted against gay adoptions just to oppose the government of the time.


Do you think it is a case of political expediency because the cynic in me says look at how much it will save the government.

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I'd be hard pressed to find a post where you criticise labour even tangentially.

By all means criticise the new administration, but try taking off your political blinkers if you want to be taken seriously.

Didn't he once complain that Labour had stolen the stars from the sky and put them in Gordon Browns eyes?

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I suspect this may well be the first example of many Tory and Libdem MP’s changing their minds over the next few months, but this is beauty to start with.


Yes, because no-one in their right minds should be able to alter or change their view.


You were moaning last week because of the view you claimed she had, now she's clarified and shown you to be completely incorrect, you whine about that aswell.


You couldn't make it up, don't you get sick of constantly whining like a spoilt child who didn't get their way?

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If it was originally a personal decision I doubt if she has changed her mind ,she's simply protecting a bloody well paid job by doing as she is told


We don't know what her position really is regardless, she may have voted the way she did in the past because she was doing as told, and now we know her real position. Who's to say other than her.


As for this faux outrage at someone not being the best choice for their position, we'd be better off looking at Gordon Brown, a totally inept chancellor & pm!

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