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How Can Labour Get Back Into Power ?

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I 've been thinking a lot about how our stalwart Labour Party can ever return to power. Maybe the reason they had such poor support this time is that under Blair......et al....they betrayed their true Socialism ? So, a few helpful suggestions for their future leader [ s ], Mr. Mili 'elastic' Band, Balls and [ maybe ? ] old Mr. Scargill.


a ]Nationalisation of all companies employing more than 3 workers.

b]95 % tax on all incomes over 15,000 pounds sterling per annum.

c]Zero restriction on anyone entering the U.K., anytime, anywhere, anyhow---' We Are ALL

Brothers '.

d]All benefits to be doubled immediately.

e]Armed Forces to be disbanded within 4 years.

f]Smoking, Fishing, Hunting with Cats, Drinking Alcohol & Fast Food Outlets To Be Banned Immediately.

g]Neighbourhood ' Report for Reward ' Networks to be created everywhere. Millions more Survelliance cameras. [ 'The Government Is YOUR Only True Friend ! ' ].


So, get to it, lads. Show the British people your true spirit ! If North Korea can ' go it alone ' so can we Brits ! Only true Socialism can rally the forces of progress and and truth.

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They didn't. They retained loads more seats than anyone expected 6 months ago.


The left in the Labour party actually increased their vote.


Diane Abbot doubled her majority.


Incidentally someone who like many on the left of the labour party has a very good record on civil liberties.


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I 've been thinking a lot about how our stalwart Labour Party can ever return to power.


Go back in time and prevent John Smith's death?


The Labour party is gone, now all we have is NuLabour, a sorry collection of shysters, crooks, liars and spin doctors.


They're just a more sanctimonious version of the Tories these days.

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I 've been thinking a lot about how our stalwart Labour Party can ever return to power. Maybe the reason they had such poor support this time is that under Blair......et al....they betrayed their true Socialism ?



Er, no; quite the opposite. The reason Blair was able to get them into power was because they abandoned socialism. About twenty years too late, but at least they did finally abandon it.

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I 've been thinking a lot about how our stalwart Labour Party can ever return to power. Maybe the reason they had such poor support this time is that under Blair......et al....they betrayed their true Socialism ? So, a few helpful suggestions for their future leader [ s ], Mr. Mili 'elastic' Band, Balls and [ maybe ? ] old Mr. Scargill.


a ]Nationalisation of all companies employing more than 3 workers.

b]95 % tax on all incomes over 15,000 pounds sterling per annum.

c]Zero restriction on anyone entering the U.K., anytime, anywhere, anyhow---' We Are ALL

Brothers '.

d]All benefits to be doubled immediately.

e]Armed Forces to be disbanded within 4 years.

f]Smoking, Fishing, Hunting with Cats, Drinking Alcohol & Fast Food Outlets To Be Banned Immediately.

g]Neighbourhood ' Report for Reward ' Networks to be created everywhere. Millions more Survelliance cameras. [ 'The Government Is YOUR Only True Friend ! ' ].


So, get to it, lads. Show the British people your true spirit ! If North Korea can ' go it alone ' so can we Brits ! Only true Socialism can rally the forces of progress and and truth.


I would like a little wager that if we all knew what we know now, that Labour would still be in power.


It only needed one Libdem voter in ten to vote Labour for them to be in power, and of the 7 people I know who voted Libdem each and every one of them would have voted Labour if they'd have known this is what they would have been getting.


The question needs turning round to how this coalition can keep power.

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I 've been thinking a lot about how our stalwart Labour Party can ever return to power. Maybe the reason they had such poor support this time is that under Blair......et al....they betrayed their true Socialism ? So, a few helpful suggestions for their future leader [ s ], Mr. Mili 'elastic' Band, Balls and [ maybe ? ] old Mr. Scargill.


a ]Nationalisation of all companies employing more than 3 workers.

b]95 % tax on all incomes over 15,000 pounds sterling per annum.

c]Zero restriction on anyone entering the U.K., anytime, anywhere, anyhow---' We Are ALL

Brothers '.

d]All benefits to be doubled immediately.

e]Armed Forces to be disbanded within 4 years.

f]Smoking, Fishing, Hunting with Cats, Drinking Alcohol & Fast Food Outlets To Be Banned Immediately.

g]Neighbourhood ' Report for Reward ' Networks to be created everywhere. Millions more Survelliance cameras. [ 'The Government Is YOUR Only True Friend ! ' ].


So, get to it, lads. Show the British people your true spirit ! If North Korea can ' go it alone ' so can we Brits ! Only true Socialism can rally the forces of progress and and truth.


Step forward the new Karl Marx........:loopy: How's sales of 'The Red Star' going these days?


Jump on a plane to China my friend......& don't come back. All your dreams come true!

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They didn't. They retained loads more seats than anyone expected 6 months ago.


That doesn't mean the did well.


"Not suffering the complete humiliation everyone expected due to the vagaries of the electoral system" is not the same as not having poor support. They only got 29% of the vote. That's pretty poor.


They can get back in by shutting up while the current government sorts out their mess. By doing that they won't lay themselves open to constantly reminding us that it's their fault we are in the mess in the first place, let someone else take the flack and then emerge in five years time as 'not these lot who've cut spending and taxed us a lot' and we can start the whole grim dance to economic doom again.


Good times.

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It only needed one Libdem voter in ten to vote Labour for them to be in power, and of the 7 people I know who voted Libdem each and every one of them would have voted Labour if they'd have known this is what they would have been getting.



They should, perhaps, have paid attention to what the Lib-Dems were actually saying during the campaign, and then they would have known.

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