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If you are a Catholic churchgoer ..

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None of your questions are straight, like googlies they are designed to catch me out.

You sound as though you are paranoid.


None of my questions to you are 'designed':roll: to catch you out. They are designed to elicit your opinion on the subject of the said question.


Unless you are merely presenting a ficticious persona, answering my questions should not cause you any problem.

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Meanwhile.... back on topic ....


I wasn't aware that the Catholic church is going to have to stump of £3m quid for the Pope's security when he holds these three large masses.


I wonder if the RC church will have enough in their coffers by the time of the papal visit? They would appear not to have the money now, as they are sking for donations at church this weekend.

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I remember watching a clip from an old newsreel some time back before he became Pope. At that time he was cardinal of Cologne or some other large German city.

A member of the press attempted to question him about the paedophile problem and Benedict seemed to get really annoyed and even slapped the hand of the reporter snapping at him in German.


That was before he moved to the ultimate state of gentleness, goodness and purity of course :D

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Meanwhile.... back on topic ....


I wasn't aware that the Catholic church is going to have to stump of £3m quid for the Pope's security when he holds these three large masses.


I wonder if the RC church will have enough in their coffers by the time of the papal visit? They would appear not to have the money now, as they are sking for donations at church this weekend.


I am not sure how the Catholic church funds itself but I am guessing that the money will be forked up by the RC church of England and Wales - as opposed to the Vatican. The Vatican has funds - it managed to put a lot of its money into gold before the credit crunch and avoided a big hit on its finances.


It will be interesting to see how many Catholics actually turn up for these events. I suspect far less then did for John Paul II. He came at a time when still popular and before there was any great awareness about how backward looking he would be. Ratzinger arrived with a reputation of being a conservative and has lived up to all pessimistic expectations. Of course the UK has its fair share of traditionalists and cleric groupies, but it also has a sizeable laity who disagree with and disregard much of its moral teaching (in particular regarding issues of divorce, sexuality, contraception). Add to that the revulsion over the abuse cover ups and I suspect many Catholics will simply stay away.


Much of my direct family and in-laws remain practicing Catholic. I am not aware of one of them that has any intention of paying homage to Ratzinger even were he to turn up on their doorstep.

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The catholic church in Milwaukee seems to be good at fundraising. What will they do with the $43,000,000 pledged?


Err... if you read your link, it gives a breakdown. I noted that the money will be put in trust and cannot be used to pay damages in RC clerical child abuse cases.

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