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The curse of email?

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I've PM'd you.


Agent Dan gives some sound advice here. Find some girly mates (other than th above) to talk this through with.


I have been in a situation where my NOW VERY EX cheated on me. I reacted in the wrong manner (I look back and see it now) by smashing the guys Landrover up with a Base ball bat... while he stood and watched form the window.


Don't do that, although it may feel good at the time. You make yourself look immature for it.


Find the truth and make the decision. If he is cheating on you, or it's going that way. Dump him. Better guys out ther for you anyway. But 7 years is a LONG time I know.


Good luck sugar!


Hal get a grip, this is the real world. I doubt he was aware that the emails were below.

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Oh love I'm so sorry. This sounds just terrible, and how horrible for you to have to deal with it at work.


I think for your sake and sanity he has to go. But at the end of the day it is your choice.


I understand how gutted you must be - seven years is a long time, and any kind of betrayal is just so, so painful.


Max may have made a typo but called him your boyFIEND. I tend to agree.


Keep posting here, we'll all support you through this.


love Pippa x

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Thanks all for your lovely replies.


I want to put an end to this thread now.


Yesterday I was crazy, irrational and upset.


Today after a long chat last night I am feeling much better. It seems I may have misunderstood the context and humour that the e-mails were supposed to convey.


I guess that is very plausible I mean it is very easy misinterpret an emial/text msg etc..


We are sorting things out anyway, and hopefully we will be fine.


Once again thank you so much, you are all really kind.

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