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Fergie attempts to 'sell' access to Prince Andrew for £500k

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if i had the chance to make a quick half a million i would have jumped at it as would a lot of other poeple, would we prefer to see her go bankrupt, i least she was doing it to pay her debts so that people were not left out of pocket, she doesnt seem able to win either way, ps iam not for or against the royal family, just dont like to see the newspapers setting people up, wasnt it the same paper that set up the snooker player a couple of weeks ago

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if i had the chance to make a quick half a million i would have jumped at it as would a lot of other poeple, would we prefer to see her go bankrupt, i least she was doing it to pay her debts so that people were not left out of pocket, she doesnt seem able to win either way, ps iam not for or against the royal family, just dont like to see the newspapers setting people up, wasnt it the same paper that set up the snooker player a couple of weeks ago
so the people doing these incidents are good honest people then:huh:the paper exposes these people for what they are dishonest and they need to be exposed for this :hihi:
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I think the sooner people stop buying these rubbish papers and make them go bust the better.She should also have had the sense to never have put herself in this position.

Yet these awful papers are getting away with setting people up,just to increase circulation, isn't entrapment illegal?If not why not?

They are all losers.

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Yet these awful papers are getting away with setting people up,just to increase circulation, isn't entrapment illegal?If not why not?



There are rules and regulations about being able to convict anybody as a result of entrapment. The act of trapping someone into saying something they will regret, is not illegal.


Should it be? I don't think so, I think the cure is worse than the disease. Sometimes, this sort of entrapment leads to the exposure of a scandal that thoroughly warrants exposing.


Unfortunately, more often, it leads to gossip and tittle-tattle about which nobody should care but far too many people apparently do.

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would you say the snooker player was dishonest or may be he REALLY truthfuly thought it was the russian mafia he was dealing with and was scared, i think the newspapers are messing with peoples lifes to get a good story


They seem to have a 'holier than thou' attitude as well yet they don't seem any better than the people they expose


Didn't newspapermen posing as rich arabs fool Princess Michael?

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Didn't newspapermen posing as rich arabs fool Princess Michael?


That was the NotW again, and they claimed that she'd made a fair number of intemperate comments, but I don't think anything was ever convincingly established.


Then again, Princess Michael of Kent is well known for being .. shall we say, bold and fearless with her opinions. If she thinks her kids are the smartest of any Royals, she will say so and be damned (and she did!)

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would you say the snooker player was dishonest or may be he REALLY truthfuly thought it was the russian mafia he was dealing with and was scared, i think the newspapers are messing with peoples lifes to get a good story
the fact that these people are doing this allready suggests that they are not very trustworthy ? the newspapers get information from a source that this is allready happening so act upon it. these people deserve everything they get coming to them .
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