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Clegg refuses to rule out long term deal with Tories-End of Libdems?

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That spot clearly belonged to the BNP and UKIP.


They never had a chance of winning as they did not field prospoective MP's in all constituancies.


Out of the three party's that did, only one is now out of government, visa ve Labour having come last.

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They never had a chance of winning as they did not field prospoective MP's in all constituancies.


Out of the three party's that did, only one is now out of government, visa ve Labour having come last.




Deepest recession since the '30's, unpopular PM, massive media bias, Govt that was 13 years old .................. and still Cameron's Tories can't get a majority of the own. They have to dupe the Lib Dem patsies to hop into to bed with them in desperate bid to hold power!

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Ha ha, how'd you like the taste of those sour grapes!


Well I don't know about you, but I'm disgusted, outraged and outraged and disgusted. What's more, it's disgusting and outrageous and I'm going to complain about its disgusting disgustingness and outrageous outrageousness until those disgustingly outrageous non-Labour voters are shown how disgusting and outrageously outrageous they are. Moreover, I am disgusted and outraged that anyone out there could NOT be disgusted and outraged.

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Deepest recession since the '30's, unpopular PM, massive media bias, Govt that was 13 years old .................. and still Cameron's Tories can't get a majority of the own. They have to dupe the Lib Dem patsies to hop into to bed with them in desperate bid to hold power!


All caused by an electoral system that put Tony Blair back into power with a majority on LESS votes then the conservatives received this election.


The country was asked, “Do you want Labour back with Gordon Brown at the helm”, and we categorically said NO! The only problem we have now is people like you who cannot accept that fact.

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To be fair, there was no "yes" towards anyone else.


You could even argue that the LD's had a bigger No than Labour, but they have attained power.


No to be fair, you would be correct, but the coalition government represents almost 60% of the UK population. That can only be a good thing. After the 2005 election 65% of the UK population did not vote for the Labour government. Now we have a coalition that represents 59.1% of the population.


Labour was the only party to both lose seats (26%) and voter share (11%). To lose over a quarter of their sitting MP's is a resounding defeat. The UK public may not have known who they wanted to replace Labour but they certainly did not want to see to see them back in power, or more importantly they did not want to see Gordon Brown back in no.10.

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To be fair, there was no "yes" towards anyone else.


You could even argue that the LD's had a bigger No than Labour, but they have attained power.


Argued!!!??? The Glibs had a 6% lower share than Lab and far fewer MP's.


The key difference is Labour were not led by an unprincipled shyster called Nick Clegg!

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No matter how many times you repeat your lie most people understand that Clegg did exactly what he promised to do long before he needed to do it.


Come on wednesday1, change the record and moderate your fruity language.

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