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Clegg refuses to rule out long term deal with Tories-End of Libdems?

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Argued!!!??? The Glibs had a 6% lower share than Lab and far fewer MP's.


The key difference is Labour were not led by an unprincipled shyster called Nick Clegg!


Above is case and point of how some labour supporters are still sucking on sour grapes :hihi:


The present UK government represents 59.1% of the population :cool:

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No matter how many times you repeat your lie most people understand that Clegg did exactly what he promised to do long before he needed to do it.


Come on wednesday1, change the record and moderate your fruity language.


....bit rich coming from you!!!;)

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No matter how many times you repeat your lie most people understand that Clegg did exactly what he promised to do long before he needed to do it.



I take it you are not referring to his promise to resist spending cuts on the level proposed by the Tories if he were to participate in any coalition government!

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All caused by an electoral system that put Tony Blair back into power with a majority on LESS votes then the conservatives received this election.


The country was asked, “Do you want Labour back with Gordon Brown at the helm”, and we categorically said NO! The only problem we have now is people like you who cannot accept that fact.


even at the previous election there were more people who wanted someone else than wanted labour to win, it's just that labour managed a majority of seats with the votes they got


the voting system is heavily biased in favour of two parties at the moment and it need fixing, shifting constituency boundaries will simply shift the bias but won't remove it, the alternative vote system won't fix the system either


it doesn't work because it doesn't produce a parliament that reflects the political make-up of the country, it is used mainly because most of the time there is a clear winner who can then dictate policy with impunity


it needs replacing and my preference is for proportional representation


so politicians of all parties will have to work together for the good of the country, fine by me


so MP's will actually have to turn up and debate issues instead of sauntering in at the last moment to vote as the party whip directs, which is something even the current coalition is going to be doing to get it's bills passed, again fine by me


so the wheels of parliament will proceed a little more slowly, great we might get legislation that has been considered rather than rubber stamped


so there will be no safe seats, great we might actually have MP's who listen to the electorate


and so what if the BNP get a few MP's, they are part of the political makeup of the country and to be honest I'd rather have them out in the spotlight where they can be seen as I think this would have a sobering effect on the electorate and I seriously doubt they would be elected again


so MP's might not be so interested in local issues, trying to get mine interested in anything he doesn't personally want to do is impossible, this might actually improve the situation, and maybe our local councillors can do some of the work for the community that our MP's currently do

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Argued!!!??? The Glibs had a 6% lower share than Lab and far fewer MP's.


The key difference is Labour were not led by an unprincipled shyster called Nick Clegg!


But were instead led by an unelected fist thunking, figure juggling, numpty, who's idea of politics is to snatch all the hand me downs of power he could get, so he could squander and spin it in such a genius way that he turned what could have been a sure fire thing, into a hung parliament and finally a loss at failing to secure a deal with the lib-dems.

Let's not forget that he also resigned as unelected PM.


And that the labour party currently have Harman as their acting Leader with a good chance of it being Mr Blair II (milliband) or Gordon II (Balls).

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Argued!!!??? The Glibs had a 6% lower share than Lab and far fewer MP's.


The key difference is Labour were not led by an unprincipled shyster called Nick Clegg!

That Clegg is just the worst I for one will never forgive him or his party for lying us into an incompetently planned and ruinous war of choice.


Good job we've still got that bastion of principle Labour to rely upon eh?

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I take it you are not referring to his promise to resist spending cuts on the level proposed by the Tories if he were to participate in any coalition government!

That was an absolute promise that was absolutely not up for negotiation under any circumstances, say for example it being a necessary condition to form a coalition or seeing just how bad a state Labour had left us in and further unsettling developments in the Eurozone was it?

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I take it you are not referring to his promise to resist spending cuts on the level proposed by the Tories if he were to participate in any coalition government!


Unfortunately it looks like the numbers are far worse than anyone could have predicted from the outside.


Right now I'm hearing that it is all that UK PLC can do to hold on to its credit rating. I appreciate that might not mean much to many people but if it is downgraded officially (it's already unofficially priced as downgraded) then we're in for much worse - look at Greece, Spain and Portugal to see what happens.


What a mess Labour left eh? Still that's all behind us now so let's hope that some sensible routes can be plotted to get us through this. I really hope that in a couple of years time most people look back and realise just how lucky they were. Meantime hold on for a few tough years.

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oh don't worry tony, if the UK's credit rating is officially downgraded then it will be spun so it is all the fault of the coalition


and I reckon we are in for a tough decade, unless labour get back in, in which case we kiss goodbye to any chance of economic recovery

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Well I don't know about you, but I'm disgusted, outraged and outraged and disgusted. What's more, it's disgusting and outrageous and I'm going to complain about its disgusting disgustingness and outrageous outrageousness until those disgustingly outrageous non-Labour voters are shown how disgusting and outrageously outrageous they are. Moreover, I am disgusted and outraged that anyone out there could NOT be disgusted and outraged.


First post I've read today, so I may as well sign off since this one can't possibly be topped.

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