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Clegg refuses to rule out long term deal with Tories-End of Libdems?

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Eeeek ! Another 200 freeloaders with their snouts in the trough - what kind of austerity measure is that ?


Won't they have to strip the benches out to get them all in ?


That might be a good idea, - having to stand instead of sit on a comfy leather bench might encourage most of them not to turn up :)

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All caused by an electoral system that put Tony Blair back into power with a majority on LESS votes then the conservatives received this election.


The country was asked, “Do you want Labour back with Gordon Brown at the helm”, and we categorically said NO! The only problem we have now is people like you who cannot accept that fact.


The problem we have is that we have a set of people trying to run the country without a mandate from the people.

The only true power Cameron has is that vested in him by The Queen.

And she is on shakey ground.

I give it 12 months tops, before it all goes tits up.

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The problem we have is that we have a set of people trying to run the country without a mandate from the people.

The only true power Cameron has is that vested in him by The Queen.

And she is on shakey ground.

I give it 12 months tops, before it all goes tits up.

strictly speaking the last lot didn't really get a mandate from the people in the 2005 election either they only had about 23% of the total electorate voting for them, the other 77% wanted someone else, but because our weird political system translated that 23% of the total electorate into 356 seats they could do whatever they wanted and no one could stop them, the majority of the country was ignored


as for it all going wrong, looking at how much debt we've all been saddled with I'd say it already has

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strictly speaking the last lot didn't really get a mandate from the people in the 2005 election either they only had about 23% of the total electorate voting for them, the other 77% wanted someone else, but because our weird political system translated that 23% of the total electorate into 356 seats they could do whatever they wanted and no one could stop them, the majority of the country was ignored


as for it all going wrong, looking at how much debt we've all been saddled with I'd say it already has


And its going to get worse if other countrys keep doing idiotic things. It seems our future is dictated by other countries which sucks.

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The Tories will never change, leopards dont change their spots. For all their faults Labour is still a million more times likely to help 'the ordinary guy' and his family. Tories just work for their paymasters and to hell with the people. Cameron is no different and Clegg dosent bear comment. I just wish he wasn't associated with Sheffield. He will 'come a cropper' in a big way after Camerons mob have used and abused him. He deserves all he will get.


If by helping the ordinary man, you mean ruin the UK economy twice in the last two times they held office and subsequently damaging the entire country for all, then give me the conservatives over Labour any day!

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If by helping the ordinary man, you mean ruin the UK economy twice in the last two times they held office and subsequently damaging the entire country for all, then give me the conservatives over Labour any day!


it was a worldwide recession this time, please pay attention. So you would prefer the tories and high interest rates, high unemployment, dont forget they opposed the minimum wage to and also sold of many public firms which are struggling in private hands, privatising transport so we get ripped off on the buses and trains now and we wont even mention the poll tax. I am sorry but by voting tory and ending up with the chuckle brothers in charge of the country you will get what you deserve i hope

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it was a worldwide recession this time, please pay attention. So you would prefer the tories and high interest rates, high unemployment, dont forget they opposed the minimum wage to and also sold of many public firms which are struggling in private hands, privatising transport so we get ripped off on the buses and trains now and we wont even mention the poll tax. I am sorry but by voting tory and ending up with the chuckle brothers in charge of the country you will get what you deserve i hope


had they not embalked on an insane borrowing and spending spree after 2005 then we would be in a better situation than we are now.


of course, our other problem is the massive personal debt, the government couldn't really do much about that

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Clegg is to Liberal, as Blair was to Labour, and in fact what Cameron is to the Tories.

The destroyer.

Never again will the great parties stand.

We now have bland faceless organisations, run by the media for the capitalist.

It is the first time in my life that I have not given a damn about the outcome of a GE.

It has been said that a country gets the government it deserves.

What does this bunch of chinless wonders say about us?

We are easy meat for the tough guys of the world now.

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in the 80odd years that labour has been either the party of government or opposition what have they actually achieved?


NuLabour? Only the ruination of Brtain.


The original (real) Labour party, did achieve some notable social progress.


The NHS, the welfare state (back when it was a safety net, not a lifestyle choice), Roy Jenkin's reforms of the laws against homosexuality and the abolition of capital punishment. All worthwhile stuff.


The chancers, shysters, liars and crooks that make up NuLabour just aren't cut from the same cloth as their predecessors.

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NuLabour? Only the ruination of Brtain.


The original (real) Labour party, did achieve some notable social progress.


The NHS, the welfare state (back when it was a safety net, not a lifestyle choice), Roy Jenkin's reforms of the laws against homosexuality and the abolition of capital punishment. All worthwhile stuff.


The chancers, shysters, liars and crooks that make up NuLabour just aren't cut from the same cloth as their predecessors.


But that is the same of all of them, is it not?

You cannot compare this silly Cameron fellow to Harold MacMillan, any-more than you compare Tony Blair to Harold Wilson, can you?

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