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The Facts In The Case Of Dr. Andrew Wakefield - Cartoon style

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It doesn't really matter if you believe that there is not any evidence (yet) that ese vaccines are dangerous, or if you believe the anecdotal evidence that they are. All that matters is that large numbers of people believe them to be dangerous and so would have the individual vaccines if they were available. Because the system works by herd immunity, it is necessary to get most people protected. The best way to do this is to also offer separate injections to those that ask for them.



But when jabs are given in several stages over several appointments, there's a significant number of children who end up without receiving the full set. Single jabs got the most people protected, so in effect you're arguing against your own point.


The superstitious scaremongering that still goes on potentially created as many or more problems than the putative risks of the MMR jab itself, including a drop in herd immunity.

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