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Privatise the roads. Rothschild proposal excites Tories

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Is this a joke ?


The very think that gets peoples backs up about the Tories 'Privertisation' now has its eyes on one of the only things left the roads system ?


Ang on a minute, arnt we allready taxed twice for the roads with the tax disk and the fual duty ? or am I missing something ?


How about privertising the air ? thats all that will be left for them to sell off soon.

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The roads were built with public money (ie taxes) which were extracted from the working people of England over many many years. If the CONS sell them off to their Etonian scum friends are us taxpayers going to get all our money back? Or, more likely I think, are we to expect to pay "tolls" on the motorways that we bought and own?
Oh we will be paying for motorways that is a cert.


They have a charge in London on the roads and it was obviouse that as soon as it was accepted it would spread onto tolls on motorways without a doubt.

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Oh we will be paying for motorways that is a cert.


They have a charge in London on the roads and it was obviouse that as soon as it was accepted it would spread onto tolls on motorways without a doubt.


ERM....so we buy a car and pay VAT. We put petrol in it and pay 80% duty and VAT. We need to pay massive amounts of car tax too. We use our cars to go to work so that we can pay INCOME TAX and NATIONAL INSURANCE TAX.Our car tyres wear out cos we use our cars for work, we replace them and pay VAT.


Why did 200,000 professional and skilled people leave the UK last year?:huh:













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Is this a joke ?


The very think that gets peoples backs up about the Tories 'Privertisation' now has its eyes on one of the only things left the roads system ?


Ang on a minute, arnt we allready taxed twice for the roads with the tax disk and the fual duty ? or am I missing something ?


How about privertising the air ? thats all that will be left for them to sell off soon.


I think you'll find sir, that the road fund licence is the area of taxation if it could be call so, that pays for the roads sir.


With a little application one may also come to appreciate that not all the funds thus gathered are actualy spent on road building and maintainace sir.

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Because the road network is the only untaped asset that the countries got.


Sell the roads could clear the national debt over night.


The debt has to be paid one way or another, this way no one is harmed and the country will benefit with real inward investment.




So if the roads were sold - for however many billion - to clear the debt - then whoever bought the roads would have to get their money back somehow.


From reading the article it would simply appear to be another PFI scheme - ie future generations would pay for it through taxation.


Labour got ridiculed for "off balance sheet" PFI schemes eg rebuilding schools - and now the Coalition appears to be proposing something far more expensive.

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Privatise the roads. Rothschild proposal excites Tories


In the interests of accuracy:


NM Rothschild, the architect of several privatisations, presented plans to all three main parties last autumn




As with previous privatizations, you can expect that NM Rothschild will do very nicely out of it over the long run, the government will get a short-lived financial boost and the British public will have to bend over and take it like a man.


As usual.

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