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Why are burkas etc. always black (or dark)?

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Somebody asked this question before on a previous thread, but it was never answered. So I'm asking it again.


Why is it that traditional Muslim women's clothing is usually black? Surely in this sort of weather it would make more sense to wear a white one, which would keep the wearer cooler? Indeed since most Muslims live in hotter parts of the world, why are they not white as a matter of course?


Edit: genuine scientific enquiry so please don't let this descend into the usual drivel.

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But then white also reflects the heat that is already inside so keeps it inside.


But white doesn't reflect heat, it reflects light. Light only becomes heat when it hits a surface.


This is why window blinds are ineffective at preventing heat, unless they are on the outside of the window. The window blind salesman will never tell you this of course.


So I reckon the colour on the inside is irrelevant. It's just the thermal properties that are relevant here.


So a burqa made from thick black material should be best. A crombie burqa.



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I know this is different in some parts of the world (and I can't remember which) but white is associated with purity and black is the colour of the devil. That would fit the cultural/religious attitudes to men and women, though I've no idea if that's the reason. Perhaps black cloth is least likely to show up the body contours.


A lot of the Somali women round here wear pastel colours, but I don't know if that would be normal practice in Somalia or if it's a divergence from tradition that's caught on since living here.


Afghan burkas were usually blue weren't they? That's what I seem to recall from watching the news in the past. Maybe it had something to do with the fabric dyes that were readily available.

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