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Winter - a miserable time of year

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What a miserable time of year, I hate the cold, flu, arthritis, shivering, sneezing, coughing, cold in bed, having to put lots of clothes on, slipping and falling on the ice, wet leaves, catching bronchitis, running big heating bills up, skidding on ice and wet leaves when driving, breathing the icy cold air, falling and breaking a limb, dark nights at 1500hrs. long lonely nights sat in alone, not everyone wants to be sat in a boozer all night. Give me the Summer everytime!!!

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Sorry mate, I'm completely the opposite - I love winter. Long walks in the snow (if it snows, that is - there seems to be less snow each year) - especially in the mountains. There's not much better than spending a day out climbing in winter, in Eskdale, Langdale, Snowdonia etc, then going to a warm pub for a couple of pints.

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I loathe summer, it's too hot and sticky, makes me scratch my skin until I'm raw, and it generally makes me feel uncomfortable. This summer was one of the worst I've ever experienced.


Winter on the other hand is (in both senses of the word) cool. I just love it when we get snow, nothing like a patch of pale white crisp snow crunching beneath the feet. It also makes you feel really snug in your home when you look outside and see how cold and wet it is.


Also, it's better to be too cold than too hot, because you can always put extra layers on, yet there's only so many layers you can take off.


Having said this, I may well change my tune if and when I get to Hal's age.

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Don't agree Hal, I love all the seasons. Our climate in the UK is so varied that you never become bored with it. The landscape constantly changes too which all adds to the interest.


I can see though if you live alone how the evenings/nights must seem endless. You'll have to come to the chatroom more often :D


The downside of winter for me is the HUGE electricity and gas bills I get. I have the heating on non-stop I'm afraid so you can imagine the ££££££s just clocking up.

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You miserable :o person!!


Winter is the best time of the year, when there are the most beautiful scenes, roasting chestnuts, PRESENTS, Christmas, SNOW, and soooo much more!!


Ok so it may get a bit cold and there may be some other set backs but hey its still the best!!!"


And this years going to be really bad, because


a) We had a really warm and long summer usually means a bad winter is on its way


b) We are due another 10-year bad winter and the last one was in 1988 when we had something like 2-3ft of snow WOOOO!!!! (I'm only guessing the figures I wasn’t born then so sorry if i’m wrong)


so to all out there



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Winter is the best time of the year! I LOVE snow, it is the most beautiful (practically non-existant) weather we British ever get.


One thing I have have always said is in the winter when you are cold its easy to get warm - jumpers, fire, electricty... but in the summer its very hard to get cold - fan, but you cant take it everywhere, air conditioning - pricey and non existant or broke in our shops!


I'm off to NY in January and I'm excited because it usually snows.


Other thing I have noticed in the Winter the air seems cleaner! :confused:



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I'm *totally* with Hal on this one.


I hate snow. I hate being cold. I hate it being windy. I hate it the day after snow when there's just dirty mush on the floor. I hate getting colds and flu. I hate being paranoid to walk down the street in case I slip. I hate people's wet umbrellas making my jeans wet. I hate it when it's so snowy or rainy that your feet end up wet through your shoes. I hate the commercialism of Christmas. I hate grey grey skies and fog and mist.


If I could sleep through from early October to March I'd be much happier.

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